Changes between Initial Version and Version 5 of Ticket #8930

Jan 21, 2013, 12:52:43 AM (11 years ago)
Steffen Hoffmann

This is pretty much WiP, i.e. the start URL <env>/acctmgr/cfg-wizard is not linked yet.

Vote for it and/or throw your comments and suggestions in here, please.


  • Ticket #8930

    • Property Priority changed from normal to high
    • Property Summary changed from Initial setup aka 'parachute' mode for AcctMgr, if no configuration is detected to Setup wizard for AcctMgr
  • Ticket #8930 – Description

    initial v5  
    1 I've been thinking about a setup mode I'd call ''parachute'' mode.
     1I've been thinking about a setup mode for a while. As !AcctMgr accumulates more features and options, its potential value raises.
    3 This is, if there is no configuration section and/or no valid, authenticated user found on module load time, !AccountManager will lift permission checks on admin pages to allow anonymous users to see them and allow to add ''one new user''. Then Trac should be restarted, user granted TRAC_ADMIN permissions, and there you are.
     3Use cases:
     4 * if no configuration section and/or no valid, authenticated user found on module load time, !AccountManager will redirect to these wizard pages
     5 * if called by admin users, review/update current configuration, eventually merge with current configuration admin page
    5 How about that? Vote for it and/or throw your own suggestions in here, please!
     7More ideas:
     8 * temporarily lift permissions to allow anonymous users to do initial configuration including ''one admin and one regular user''