
Version 2 (modified by Rob Guttman, 12 years ago) (diff)


Analyzes tickets for dependency and other problems

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This is an extensible analysis tool for analyzing tickets in reports. The plugin currently has three built-in analyses:

  1. Milestone Dependency Analysis - ensures dependent tickets are in current or prior milestones
  2. Queue Dependency Analysis - ensures dependent tickets in a queue are ordered correctly
  3. Project Dependency Analysis - ensures dependent child tickets in a queue are ordered correctly

These analyses all build off of the mastertickets plugin. The second and third also build off of the queues plugin.


  1. Install the plugin (after downloading and unzipping):
    cd analyzeplugin/0.12
    sudo python bdist_egg
    sudo cp dist/TracAnalyze*.egg /your/trac/location/plugins/

See TracPlugins for more installation details and options. You'll likely need to restart Trac's web server after installation.

  1. Enable the plugin:
    analyze.* = enabled

You can alternatively use the Trac Web Admin GUI to enable any or all rules.

  1. Enable the ANALYZE_VIEW permission for those users who are allowed to execute analyses.

See the examples section below for how to specify rules.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AnalyzePlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from [download:analyzeplugin here].


You can check out AnalyzePlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


This plugin currently includes three analyses that can each be individually enabled for one or more reports. Each analysis is configured by modifying the [analyze] section of trac.ini - see below for examples. When an analysis is enabled for a report, an "Analyze..." button appears at the top of the report and the analysis' name will appear in the subsequent dialog box when the button is clicked. You can either choose a single analysis or all analyses in this dialog box. Selecting "All" will run them serially.

Milestone Dependency Analysis

The popular master tickets plugin enables specifying dependencies amongst tickets and visualizes them via graphviz. However, it does not provide tools to help manage these dependencies including detecting when they're not scheduled in the correct dependency order. That's where this Milestone Dependency Analysis comes in.

This analysis detects when a ticket in a given report has a dependency (a "blockedby" ticket) that is in a future milestone (or not scheduled in any milestone). To enable this analysis for a given report, list those reports in trac.ini as follows:

milestone_reports = 1,9

Detected problems are shown with an option to automatically fix the problem by moving tickets into appropriate milestones.

Queue Dependency Analysis

The queues plugin converts one or more reports into work queues. These queues enable you to drag and drop tickets above and below one another signifying their relative priority. Each ticket's relative position is maintained in custom field usually named position (but can be named anything). Dependencies amongst tickets in a queue have similar problems as tickets across milestones - in this case, a dependent ticket should precede (i.e., appear higher in the queue which means have a lower position value), but it can be difficult to manuually catch all of these dependency violations. That's where this Queue Dependency Analysis comes in.

This analysis detects when a ticket in a given report has a dependency (a "blockedby" ticket) whose position comes after this ticket's (or has no position yet at all). To enable this analysis for a given report, list those reports in trac.ini as follows:

queue_reports = 2,9
queue_fields = queue,milestone

The queue_fields option above tells this analysis what fields define a queue. Queues can be defined by one or more fields such as the milestone field, a custom queue field, both or other fields. If you have different reports using different definitions, you can define report-specific queue field definitions as follows:

queue_fields.9 = queue

In this example, report 2 uses both queue and milestone fields to define a queue whereas report 9 uses only the queue field.

Detected problems are shown with an option to automatically fix the problem by moving tickets above or below each other in the queue.


  • If this tool's project management changes generates emails that are of little value to your team, then you can quiet them by enabling "Quiet Mode" using the Quiet Plugin.

Recent Changes

13995 by rjollos on 2014-06-25 00:51:48
Added copyright year. Refs #11832.
13993 by rjollos on 2014-06-22 10:10:17
Fixed URL in
13992 by rjollos on 2014-06-22 10:08:03
Changed to 3-Clause BSD license with permission of author. Refs #11832.


Author: robguttman
Maintainer: robguttman

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