= Apache Bloodhound support [[Image(https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/chrome/theme/img/bh_logo.png, title=Visit the Apache Bloodhound project, alt=Apache Bloodhound, link=https://bloodhound.apache.org, align=right)]] [http://bloodhound.apache.org/ Apache™ Bloodhound] is built on top of ''Trac'' with the following goals in mind: - Multiple Projects - Easy to install - User-friendly design - All of Trac's power There are two main aspects to consider when it comes to upgrading plugins for ''Bloodhound'' compatibility: - Multiproduct architecture, especially for ''Bloodhound>=0.6'' - [http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/ Bootstrap] styling introduced by ''BloodhoundTheme'', which means that plugins relying upon template filtering hacks may not work. See also: [trac:BloodHound] == Supported plugins Below is a list of plugins compatible with [http://issues.apache.org/bloodhound Apache™ Bloodhound]: [[ListTagged(bloodhound)]] Read specific pages for further instructions. Also [trac:TracMercurial] has been deployed on production servers successfully.