= A plugin for displaying code tags (`XXX`, `FIXME`, `TODO`, etc.) = Demo [http://developer.wz2100.net/codetags here], [http://git.mortis.eu/codetags.git git repository]. Since I cannot find any documentation directly I just wanted to tell you people that you need a subdirectory named cache thats writeable by your trac to make this work. Oh and dont wonder that it takes so much time the first time used ;). Also don't forget to grant the CODETAGS_VIEW permission. To enable in the trac.ini: {{{ [components] codetags.* = enabled }}} Additional configuration options in trac.ini: {{{ [code-tags] scan_files = *.html, *.py, *.c, *.h, *.hh, *.m, *.pch, *.hpp scan_folders = trunk/*, branches/* tags = XXX, TODO, FIXME, BUG }}} {{{scan_files}}} allows you to define specific file types to scan (default: *) [[br]] {{{scan_folders}}} specifies which directories within the repository to scan (default: *) [[br]] {{{exclude_folders}}} specifies directories that are subdirectories of {{{scan_folders}}} but don't need to be scanned [[br]] {{{exclude_files}}} specifies files that shouldn't be scanned even though they're included by scan_files [[br]] {{{tags}}} allows you to specify what tags to locate, though only the defaults are colored at all. (default: XXX, TODO, FIXME) [[br]] By default, this plugin doesn't ignore binary files. If you use svn/trac in a web-dev environment, this is a pain, since the tagger finds tags in files such as `.gif`. User submitted patch seems to work: http://trac.pocoo.org/attachment/ticket/109/diff.txt This patch is now most likely unnecessary though, because CodeTagsPlugin plugin now searches for word boundaries (regex '\b') at the edges of words. = Last Release Version = The last CodeTagsPlugin release is [http://git.mortis.eu/codetags.git?a=snapshot;h=0.2;sf=tgz codetags-0.2.tar.gz]. = Bugs = * When moving/deleting files with TODO tags in them, they will not disappear from the list * I've tested this and it works fine for me - rjollos 2009-08-03. * I am seeing this running Trac 0.12dev-r8983 and codetags-0.2 - aaron@irontickets.com * Running trac 0.11 (debian repo) I see this issue in codetags-0.2 - dagherad_at_gmail_dot_com (27th January 2010) * Fixed as of [http://git.mortis.eu/git/codetags.git/commit/dbae3295c4bf96313f673f01e2e1af8e3b632ba3 codetags-0.2_20100627142125] = Feature Request = Since the tracker has no !CodeTags component I will put that here: * Having a huge code base makes the table with the tags so huge that even modern browsers can hardly display it. Maybe: * Split it up into multiple pages * Choose display for only specified tags * Chose display for only specified path in repository * Allowing regex's for the [code-tags] fields would increase flexibility (scan_files, scan_folders, tags).