Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of DevGuide

Feb 28, 2015, 10:50:26 PM (9 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Word no longer needs to be escaped.


  • DevGuide

    v14 v15  
    66== License
    8 Plugin authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how the contribution is licensed. This is important for both users and future !developers of your plugin. Having a clearly defined license allows someone else to adopt and carry on development of the plugin if you choose to no longer support it. It is also important for users and administrators who need to understand the terms and conditions under which they can use or modify the code.
     8Plugin authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how the contribution is licensed. This is important for both users and future developers of your plugin. Having a clearly defined license allows someone else to adopt and carry on development of the plugin if you choose to no longer support it. It is also important for users and administrators who need to understand the terms and conditions under which they can use or modify the code.
    1010Trac-Hacks is an open source community driven by voluntary contributions and made successful by collaboration. Therefore we encourage the use of licenses that foster collaboration and minimal restrictions on future use of the code. Trac has adopted the [trac:TracLicense BSD 3-Clause license], and use of the same license in any plugin code is encouraged. One of the many benefits to adopting this license is that any plugin code can potentially be integrated into the Trac core down the road.