Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of GoogleMapMacro

Nov 14, 2008, 3:41:41 PM (15 years ago)
Martin Scharrer



  • GoogleMapMacro

    v34 v35  
    11= Insert a dynamic Google Map into wiki pages =
    22[[html(<div id="newsflash">)]]
    3  '''Nov. 4th 2008''':: [source:googlemapmacro/dev/0.11 The develop version] now ([4744]) supports marginal support for '''driving directions'''. Use like this: {{{[[GoogleMapMacro(from="here",to="there",size=400x400)]]}}}. The map will automatically be zoomed to make the driving directions full visible. Please be warned that there isn't yet any error handling implemented, so wrong addresses etc. will just get you a normal map.
     3 '''Nov. 4th 2008''':: Support for '''driving directions''' with multiple targets as been added. Use like this: {{{[[GoogleMap(from="here",to="there",to="there too")]]}}}. The map will automatically be zoomed to make the driving directions full visible. Please be warned that there isn't yet any error handling implemented, so wrong addresses etc. will just get you a normal map.
    44 '''Nov. 3rd 2008''':: GoogleMapMacro is now implementing `IEnvironmentSetupParticipant` to create and update the needed DB table. Use `trac-admin `''<trac path>''` upgrade` to update the Trac DB after installing GoogleMapMacro >[4732].
    1717by opening a [ feature request].
     19== Dependencies ==
     20The recent version ([4801]) of this macro needs the AdvParseArgsPlugin in revision [4795] or later.
    2022== Bugs/Feature Requests ==
    106108   * `HierarchicalMapType`: Drop-down map type control for switching between supported map types.
    107109   * `OverviewMap`: Collapsible overview mini-map in the corner of the main map for reference location and navigation (through dragging).
    108  `markers`:: Allows the user to set labeled markers on given location of the map.
     110 `marker`:: (New) Allows the user to set labeled markers on given location of the map.
    109111    The format for a marker is `{latitude}:{longitude};{Letter};{TracLink};{Title}` or `"{Address}";{Letter};{TracLink};{Title}`.
    110112    If the string 'center' is used instead of an address the center of the map is marked.
    112114    An optional [TracLinks TracLink] can be given which may be opened in a new window (see `target`) when clicked on the marker.
    113115    An optional marker title can be set which will get displayed when the mouse cursor is over the marker.
    114     Multiple markers are separated using the '`|`' character. Optional values can be kept empty, e.g.: `"{Address}";;;My Address` would display the address with the title 'My Address'.
     116    From revision [4801] on multiple markers can be given which replaces the `markers` argument.
     117 `markers`:: (Old) Can be used to set multiple markers which are are separated using the '`|`' character.
     118    Optional values can be kept empty, e.g.: `"{Address}";;;My Address` would display the address with the title 'My Address'.
    115119    Trailing semicolons can be skipped. Addresses, links and titles which include either '`,`', '`;`' or '`|`' must be enclosed in double quotes (`" "`).
    116120 `target`:: If set to '`new`' or '`newwindow`' all hyperlinks of the map markers will be opened in a new window (or tab, depending on the browser settings) or in the same window otherwise.
    117  `from`,`to`:: ([source:googlemapmacro/dev/0.11 develop version] only, alpha status!) Request driving directions '`from`'->'`to`'. No `address` or `center` need to be given.
     121 `from`,`to`:: Request driving directions '`from`'->'`to`'. Multiple `to` addresses are allowed. No `address` or `center` need to be given.