[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = Present a box with basic ticket and wiki-page information and copy it to clipboard == Description The **InfoSnippetPlugin** plugin assembles ticket or wiki-page information like ticket number, title and URL all together at one place at the bottom of page. The user can then use a button to copy this information as text into the system clipboard. The plugin uses !JavaScript to create an **"Info" box** (aka. snippet) at the bottom of the page (for tickets below the ticket properties). - For tickets the snippet info text contains project ID, ticket number, title and URL. - For wiki-pages the snippet info text contains project ID, wikin-name, headline (if exist) and URL. A button is provided which can be used to copy the information snippet text into the clipboard (using !JavaScript). [[Image(infosnippet_screenshot_01.png, width=800px)]] Another option is the **"Info" navigation item** in the context navigation bar of a ticket. Clicking it copies the content of the "Ticket Info" into the clipboard. Basically this is a convenience short-cut as one does not need to scroll down to the "Ticket Info" in order to fill the clipboard. [[Image(infosnippet_screenshot_02.png, width=750px)]] == Motivation Many people used to refer to tickets in e-mails. One may want to include the ticket number the ticket summary (aka. title) and the ticket URL - kind of a ticket snippet. Of course, basically the process is simply a copy&paste via clipboard, because all these information fragment are prominently present in the Trac ticket page. However, one has to do copy&paste multiple times. We want more convenience with this copy&paste of ticket information. It might not count for just one ticket, but if one frequently has to do it for dozens of tickets, then it becomes tedious. == !Bugs/Feature Requests Existing bugs and feature requests for InfoSnippetPlugin are [report:9?COMPONENT=InfoSnippetPlugin here]. If you have any issues, create a [/newticket?component=InfoSnippetPlugin new ticket]. [[TicketQuery(component=InfoSnippetPlugin&group=type,format=progress)]] == Download Download the zipped source from [export:infosnippetplugin here]. == Source You can check out InfoSnippetPlugin from [/svn/infosnippetplugin here] using Subversion, or [source:infosnippetplugin browse the source] with Trac. == Installation General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the [TracPlugins#InstallingaTracplugin TracPlugins] page. After installation do not forget to enable the plugin in the TracIni: {{{#!ini [components] InfoSnippet.* = enabled }}} == Configuration The following configuration options apply for the `[infosnippet]` section in the TracIni file: `box`:: Specifies if the 'Info Snippet' box shall appear near the bottom of the page. This is a box containing elemental information like title and URL for instance. `nav`:: Specifies if the 'INFO' menu item shall appear in the context navigation menu at top of the page. Clicking this menu option will not navigate but instead copy the information snippet (as text) into the system clipboard. For both configuration options `box` and `nav` the following values are possible: - `ticket` only for ticket pages - `wiki` only for wiki pages - `all` for both of them - `none` neither of them Example: {{{#!ini [infosnippet] box = ticket nav = all }}} == Recent Changes [[ChangeLog(infosnippetplugin, 3)]] == !Author/Contributors **Author:** [wiki:clemens] [[BR]] **Maintainer:** [[Maintainer]] [[BR]] **Contributors:**