
Version 12 (modified by Ryan J Ollos, 13 years ago) (diff)

Refs #4124.

Note boxes with icons


NoteBox Plugin will render a HTML-DivContainer in different colors with different Icons.
The following containers are possible:

  • [[NoteBox(warn, my Text)]]
    • will render a red div-container with the given Text and a stopsign-image
  • [[NoteBox(tip, my Text)]]
    • will render a green div-container with the given Text and a lightbulb-image
  • [[NoteBox(note, my Text)]]
    • will render a blue div-container with the given Text and a notepaper-image

It will look like this:

No image "notebox_preview_v0.1.png" attached to NoteBoxPlugin

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for NoteBoxPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download / Source

Download the zipped source from [download:noteboxplugin here].

You can check out NoteBoxPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


  1. Unzip the code and type
    $>python install
  2. or use easy_install as below then, restart web server, finally enable it at admin/general/plugins


Use either

  • [[NoteBox(warn, my Text)]]
  • [[NoteBox(tip, my Text)]]
  • [[NoteBox(note, my Text)]]

where my Text can be replaced with your text.

Recent Changes

ChangeLog macro failed
No node noteboxplugin at revision 18632


Author: gruenebe