= Set any server file as shortcut icon. Adds handler for `/favicon.ico`. = == Description == This small plug-in provides an request handler for the widely used shortcut icon URL path `/favicon.ico`. Especially MS Internet Explorer seems to need the shortcut icon located at this position. The plug-in is also able to insert (X)HTML `link` tags which point standard compatible browsers to this address. Please be aware that this icons can also be configured over the Trac standard config file as described in the [TracInterfaceCustomization#Icon TracInterfaceCustomization] wiki, but forcing the Trac server admin to put the icon in the document root of the host in order to be compatible with the MS IE. == Installation == Use can `easy_install` this plugin: {{{ easy_install http://trac-hacks.org/svn/shortcuticonplugin/0.11 }}} If you use Subversion 1.5.x you might get an error, then just try: {{{ svn export http://trac-hacks.org/svn/shortcuticonplugin/0.11 shortcuticonplugin easy_install shortcuticonplugin }}} Afterwards you can remove the `shortcuticonplugin` folder. To enable this plug-in add the following into the config file (normally '`conf/trac.ini`'): {{{ [components] tracshortcuticon.* = enabled }}} == Bugs/Feature Requests == Existing bugs and feature requests for ShortcutIconPlugin are [report:9?COMPONENT=ShortcutIconPlugin here]. If you have any issues, create a [http://trac-hacks.org/newticket?component=ShortcutIconPlugin&owner=martin_s new ticket]. == Download == Download the zipped source from [download:shortcuticonplugin here]. == Source == You can check out ShortcutIconPlugin from [http://trac-hacks.org/svn/shortcuticonplugin here] using Subversion, or [source:shortcuticonplugin browse the source] with Trac. == Usage == Put the following settings in the `trac.ini` config file under the section `[shortcuticon]`: `handler = `''true|false'':: Enables/disables request handler for `/favicon.ico` URL. `linkheader = `''true|false'':: Enables/disables insertion of `link` tags which point to the icon. `iconpath = `''/local/path/on/trac/server/icon.png'':: Local OS path (no URL) of the icon file on the Trac server. While some browser support PNG and GIF icons, some other only the MS ICO format. The icon should be 16x16 or 32x32 pixels in size. `mimetype = image/`'''':: Overrides auto-detection by file extension of the mime-type. == Example == {{{ [shortcuticon] handler = true linkheader = true iconpath = /local/path/on/trac/server/icon.png mimetype = image/png [project] # Disable build-in handling of icons: icon = }}} == Recent Changes == [[ChangeLog(shortcuticonplugin, 3)]] == Author/Contributors == '''Author:''' [wiki:martin_s] [[BR]] '''Contributors:'''