Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of TracJsGanttPlugin

Feb 18, 2014, 10:13:24 PM (10 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Removed leading whitespace from configuration, because it was causing problems when copied into trac.ini. Refs #11581.


  • TracJsGanttPlugin

    v45 v46  
    132132 1. '''Install''' globally with:
    133 {{{
    134 #!sh
    135   sudo easy_install
     134sudo easy_install
    137136 1. '''Enable''' the plugin by updating TracIni file (..../trac.ini) as follows:
    138 {{{
    139 #!ini
    140   [components]
    141   tracjsgantt.* = enabled
     137 {{{#!ini
     139tracjsgantt.* = enabled
    143141 1. '''Configure''' the project management support for the plugin in its own configuration section, placed into 'trac.ini' file as follows:
    144 {{{
    145 #!ini
    146   [TracPM]
    147   # To work with TimingAndEstimationPlugin for percent complete, define ticket fields to use as the data source for:
    148   fields.estimate = estimatedhours
    149   fields.worked = totalhours
    151   # Each unit in estimate is 1/8 of a day
    152   days_per_estimate = 0.125
    154   # To work with MasterTicketsPlugin for dependencies, define ticket fields to use as the data source for predecessor (pred) and successor (succ).
    155   fields.pred = blockedby
    156   fields.succ = blocking
    158   # Alternatively, configure a pred-succ relation like:
    159   #    relation.pred-succ = mastertickets,source,dest
    160   # This causes TracPM to query the mastertickets table rather than
    161   # parse blockedby and blocking custom fields.  This can be somewhat
    162   # faster.
    165   # To work with SubticketsPlugin for parent/child relationships,
    166   # Ticket field to use as the data source for the parent
    167   fields.parent = parents
    169   # Alternatively, configure a parent-child relation like:
    170   #    relation.parent-child = subtickets,parent,child
    171   # This causes TracPM to query the subtickets table rather than parse
    172   # the `parents` custom field.  This can be somewhat faster.
    173   # When using SubticketsPlugin via a parent-child relation, do not
    174   # configure a parent_format (next).
     142 {{{#!ini
     144# To work with TimingAndEstimationPlugin for percent complete, define ticket fields to use as the data source for:
     145fields.estimate = estimatedhours
     146fields.worked = totalhours
     148# Each unit in estimate is 1/8 of a day days_per_estimate = 0.125
     150# To work with MasterTicketsPlugin for dependencies, define ticket fields to use as the data source for predecessor (pred) and successor (succ).
     151fields.pred = blockedby
     152fields.succ = blocking
     154# Alternatively, configure a pred-succ relation like:
     155#    relation.pred-succ = mastertickets,source,dest
     156# This causes TracPM to query the mastertickets table rather than
     157# parse blockedby and blocking custom fields.  This can be somewhat
     158# faster.
     160# To work with SubticketsPlugin for parent/child relationships,
     161# Ticket field to use as the data source for the parent
     162fields.parent = parents
     164# Alternatively, configure a parent-child relation like:
     165#    relation.parent-child = subtickets,parent,child
     166# This causes TracPM to query the subtickets table rather than parse
     167# the `parents` custom field.  This can be somewhat faster.
     168# When using SubticketsPlugin via a parent-child relation, do not
     169# configure a parent_format (next).
     171# To work with ChildTickets plugin parent_format, '#%s',
     172# Format of ticket IDs in parent field (default: %s).
     173parent_format = %s
    177   # To work with ChildTickets plugin parent_format, '#%s',
    178   # Format of ticket IDs in parent field (default: %s).
    179   parent_format = %s
     175# Custom fields for start and due dates
     176# Ticket field to use as the data source for start date (default: None)
     177fields.start = userstart
     178# Ticket field to use as the data source for finish date (default: None)
     179fields.finish = userfinish
     181# Format for ''start'' and ''finish'' date strings (default: '%Y-%m-%d')
     182date_format = %Y-%m-%d
     184# Ticket type for milestone-like tickets (default: 'milestone')
     185# Used to be milestone_type, that setting is now deprecated.
     186goal_ticket_type = milestone
    181   # Custom fields for start and due dates
    182   # Ticket field to use as the data source for start date (default: None)
    183   fields.start = userstart
    184   # Ticket field to use as the data source for finish date (default: None)
    185   fields.finish = userfinish
    187   # Format for ''start'' and ''finish'' date strings (default: '%Y-%m-%d')
    188   date_format = %Y-%m-%d
    190   # Ticket type for milestone-like tickets (default: 'milestone')
    191   # Used to be milestone_type, that setting is now deprecated.
    192   goal_ticket_type = milestone
    194   # Ticket field to use as the data source for the percent complete column (default: None).
    195   fields.percent = complete
     188# Ticket field to use as the data source for the percent complete column (default: None).
     189fields.percent = complete
    197   # Hours represented by each unit of estimated work (default: 1).
    198   hours_per_estimate = 1
     191# Hours represented by each unit of estimated work (default: 1).
     192hours_per_estimate = 1
    200   # Default work for an unestimated task, same units as estimate  (default: 4.0).
    201   default_estimate = 4.0
     194# Default work for an unestimated task, same units as estimate  (default: 4.0).
     195default_estimate = 4.0
    203   # How much work may be remaining when a task goes over estimate, same units as estimate (default: 0.0)..
    204   estimate_pad = 0.0
     197# How much work may be remaining when a task goes over estimate, same units as estimate (default: 0.0)..
     198estimate_pad = 0.0
    206200   * See [#Configurationdetails configuration details] below for explanations and more options.
    207201   * Additionally, site-wide defaults for macro arguments may be set at [trac-jsgantt] section. More details about them see [#Arguments #Arguments section].
    208 {{{
    209 #!ini
    210   [trac-jsgantt]
    211   option.formats = day|week|month|quarter
    212   option.format = month
    213   ## How and which 'columns' to show
    214   option.lwidth = 300
    215   option.res = 0
    216   option.dur = 0
    217   option.comp = 0
    218   option.startDate = 0
    219   option.endDate = 1
    220   option.dateDisplay = yyyy-mm-dd
    221   ## How and what to show on Gantt graph
    222   option.showdep = 1
    223   option.expandClosedTickets = 1
    224   option.schedule = asap
    225   option.openLevel = 0
    226   option.colorBy = priority
    227   option.userMap = 0
    228   option.omitMilestone = 0
    229   option.caption = Resource
    230   option.hoursPerDay = 8.0
     202   {{{#!ini
     204option.formats = day|week|month|quarter
     205option.format = month
     206## How and which 'columns' to show
     207option.lwidth = 300
     208option.res = 0
     209option.dur = 0
     210option.comp = 0
     211option.startDate = 0
     212option.endDate = 1
     213option.dateDisplay = yyyy-mm-dd
     214## How and what to show on Gantt graph
     215option.showdep = 1
     216option.expandClosedTickets = 1
     217option.schedule = asap
     218option.openLevel = 0
     219option.colorBy = priority
     220option.userMap = 0
     221option.omitMilestone = 0
     222option.caption = Resource
     223option.hoursPerDay = 8.0
    232225 1. '''Restart''' web server on command line:
    233 {{{
    234 #!sh
     226 {{{#!sh
    235227    $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart