
Version 17 (modified by Jeff Hammel, 16 years ago) (diff)


building blocks for creating Trac projects

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


TracLegos is software designed to template trac projects and assist with trac project creation. Its goal is to make project creation easy and flexible, allowing flexibility with regards to creation methodology as well as extensibility as a project factory for environments with advanced needs. TracLegos is not [at least by design, yet] meant for project upgrading or maintainence, but only to setup a project with sensible defaults.

TracLegos can be invoked in a number of ways:

  • through a command-line interface (
  • through a WSGI wrapper around trac (
  • via paster create
  • programmatically

TracLegos also desires to make it easy to turn an existing project into a pastescript template.

Bugs/Feature Requests

This is a new and somewhat experimental plugin so feedback and feature requests are greatly appreciated

Existing bugs and feature requests for TracLegosScript are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Installation and Setup

Download the [download:traclegosscript zipped source], check out using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

Installation is done in the typical python manner. Once you have downloaded the source, run python install for installation into python's site packages or python develop to install with edittable source.

Installation of Example Template

TracLegosScript also comes with an existing template: source:traclegosscript/anyrelease/example/topp, which is an example of the kind of template used at The Open Planning Project. To install this template, run python install or python develop from this directory. This PasteScript template can be seen in the output of paster create --list-templates:

(TracLegos)> paster create --list-templates
Available templates:
  basic_package:      A basic setuptools-enabled package
  paste_deploy:       A web application deployed through paste.deploy
  topp_trac_project:  The Open Planning Project Trac Template
  trac_project:       templatize configuration for a trac project

Setup of WebOb View for Project Creation

TracLegos includes a paste webapp that serves existing projects (delegating to trac) and also allows creating new projects. In order to use this view, you must have at least one template installed, so first install the example template as described above. Once the topp_trac_template (or any other template) is installed, you should be all set to run the webapp by running paster serve development.ini from the top-level directory of your copy of the TracLegos source (source:traclegosscript/anyrelease/development.ini).

Point your browser at and you should be all set with a bare-bones web-based trac project creator.

Turning an Existing trac.ini File into a Template



Example of through the web project creation

The index of the project additionally has a Create Project link:

index view for TracLegosScript TTW interface

Following this link will bring you to the initial screen of project creation where you select the project name and type of project (if more than one template is available):

First screen of project creation TTW

Next, the project details screen will allow selection of the type of repository (and in the future, database type -- see #3745):

second screen of TTW project creation, showing repository options

Finally, you must fill in any additional variables needed for the project:

third screen of TTW project creation:  filling in needed variables

After completion, the project is created and you are redirected to it.

Example of command line usage

> create-trac-project 
Usage: create-trac-project [options] project <project2> <...> var1=1 var2=2 ...

assemble a trac project from components

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONF, --conf=CONF  site configuration files
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY
                        trac projects directory
  -i INHERIT, --inherit=INHERIT
                        .ini file to inherit from
                        requirements files for plugins
  -s REPOSITORY, --repository=REPOSITORY
                        repository type to use
  -t TEMPLATES          trac.ini templates to be applied in order
  --list-templates      list available TracProject PasteScript templates
  --list-repositories   list repositories available for setup by TracLegos

> create-trac-project --list-templates
Available projects:
topp_trac_project: The Open Planning Project Trac Template

> create-trac-project --list-repositories
Available repositories:
ExistingSVN: Use an existing repository
NewSVN: Create a new SVN repository

> create-trac-project -t topp-trac-project mynewproject # create a new project

Example of turning an existing project into a pastescript template

> paster create -t trac_project foo
Selected and implied templates:
  TracLegos#trac_project  templatize configuration for a trac project

  egg:      foo
  package:  foo
  project:  foo
Enter file (file or project to templatize) ['']: /home/jhammel/20080519133401/projects/trachours/conf/trac.ini
Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: a new trac template based on the trachours .ini file
Creating template trac_project
Creating directory ./foo
  Recursing into +package+
    Creating ./foo/foo/
    Copying to ./foo/foo/
    Copying project.py_tmpl to ./foo/foo/
    Recursing into template
      Creating ./foo/foo/template/
      Recursing into conf
        Creating ./foo/foo/template/conf/
  Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./foo/
Running /home/jhammel/TracLegos/bin/python egg_info
> cd foo; python develop &> /dev/null
> create-trac-project --list-templates
Available projects:
topp_trac_project: The Open Planning Project Trac Template
foo: a new trac template based on the trachours .ini file

Recent Changes

12984 by rjollos on 2013-04-19 16:30:50
Refs #7262: Point setup,py link to TracSqlHelperScript 0.11 directory rather than anyrelease directory.
8058 by ejucovy on 2010-06-02 17:24:22
apply slinkp's patch for preventing overwriting of existing projects (#7164)
7767 by k0s on 2010-03-10 01:10:24
slightly more verbose handling of the postgres database


Originally developed at The Open Planning Project

Author: k0s

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