Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of TracMetrixPlugin/FeedBack

Sep 12, 2007, 10:24:11 PM (17 years ago)
Bhuricha Deen Sethanandha



  • TracMetrixPlugin/FeedBack

    v6 v7  
    1414   * Before writing the code for statsvn in python, I would try to see if I can use Jython to use statsvn's classes.  I am not sure yet if this will work.
    1515 * 09/12: joeln: Neat stuff!!! BTW, I successfully managed to integrate StatSVN on our Trac by without too much heartache by just symlinking from the htdoc to the StatSVN directory.  StatSVN itself is on cron. I have the cron shell script do an imagemagick convert to resize the chart PNGs to something smaller (384 px wide on our trac) after compiling the StatSVN stats.  Including the charts was then just a simple matter of doing ![[Image(htdocs/statsvn/activity_thmb.png)]] for example.  activity_thmb.png is the downscaled image from activity.png.  It's a shame I can't test out your stuff though since our project is on 0.10.4... :(
     16 * 09/12: khundeen: Thanks joeln.  If you could put some nice instruction on how to do that it would be great.  perhaps at TracStatSvnIntegration I will put the link to it on my plugin.  I think it might be good way to do it instead of writing the plugin to do what StatSVN already does.  I will make sure that this plugin is stable by the time Trac 0.11 is released.
    1617 * Date: Name: Comments...