This query; select * from pg_tables; Produces this output. pg_tables is a standard view defined on one of the system tables. I think the tables associated with the 'public' schema are what you want. schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers --------------------+-------------------------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------- information_schema | sql_features | postgres | | f | f | f information_schema | sql_implementation_info | postgres | | f | f | f information_schema | sql_languages | postgres | | f | f | f information_schema | sql_packages | postgres | | f | f | f information_schema | sql_sizing | postgres | | f | f | f information_schema | sql_sizing_profiles | postgres | | f | f | f pg_catalog | pg_authid | postgres | pg_global | t | f | t pg_catalog | pg_statistic | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_type | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_attribute | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_class | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_autovacuum | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_inherits | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_index | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_operator | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_opclass | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_am | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_amop | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_amproc | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_language | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_largeobject | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_aggregate | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_trigger | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_listener | postgres | | f | f | f pg_catalog | pg_cast | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_namespace | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_conversion | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_depend | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_tablespace | postgres | pg_global | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_pltemplate | postgres | pg_global | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_shdepend | postgres | pg_global | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_auth_members | postgres | pg_global | t | f | t pg_catalog | pg_attrdef | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_constraint | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_database | postgres | pg_global | t | f | t pg_catalog | pg_description | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_proc | postgres | | t | f | f pg_catalog | pg_rewrite | postgres | | t | f | f public | attachment | trac | | t | f | f public | auth_cookie | trac | | t | f | f public | component | trac | | t | f | f public | enum | trac | | t | f | f public | milestone | trac | | t | f | f public | node_change | trac | | t | f | f public | permission | trac | | t | f | f public | report | trac | | t | f | f public | revision | trac | | t | f | f public | session_attribute | trac | | t | f | f public | session | trac | | t | f | f public | system | trac | | t | f | f public | ticket_change | trac | | t | f | f public | ticket_custom | trac | | t | f | f public | ticket | trac | | t | f | f public | version | trac | | t | f | f public | wiki | trac | | t | f | f public | bugs | tjb | | t | f | t public | parts | tjb | | t | f | t (57 rows)