Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12261

Apr 14, 2015, 8:04:38 PM (9 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos


  • Ticket #12261 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 The filter= argument is exclusive. In a Trac environment that supports many different projects, the argument to filter can become unwieldy. Maybe an additional parameter, filtertype maybe, could be added to control whether filter is inclusive or exclusive.  This type of function would be useful when Trac is supporting multiple projects that are grouped with MyProject/BlahBlah/ and TheirProject/BlahBlah, and you only want to show the wanted pages for MyProject.  Rather than having to provide every possible pattern you don't want, you could instead say, ![[WantedPages(filter=MyProject, filtertype=inclusive)]].
     1The `filter=` argument is exclusive. In a Trac environment that supports many different projects, the argument to filter can become unwieldy. Maybe an additional parameter, `filtertype` maybe, could be added to control whether filter is inclusive or exclusive.  This type of function would be useful when Trac is supporting multiple projects that are grouped with MyProject/BlahBlah/ and TheirProject/BlahBlah, and you only want to show the wanted pages for MyProject.  Rather than having to provide every possible pattern you don't want, you could instead say, `[[WantedPages(filter=MyProject, filtertype=inclusive)]]`.