Hacks for Trac 0.11.x
Results (101 - 200 of 514)
- EmailProcessorMacro Wrap text blocks to specified width
- EmailtoTracScript Convert email to Trac tickets
- EmoticonsPlugin Emoticons Support
- EntityMacro Display Character Entities
- EstimationToolsPlugin Tools for visualizing and editing of effort estimations
- EstimatorPlugin Produce range-based estimations for tickets
- EvidenceSchedulingPlugin Evidence-based effort scheduling
- ExcelXlstViewerPlugin Viewer for Microsoft Excel XLST files
- ExoWebCodeReviewPlugin Apply code reviews to changesets
- ExplorerTheme Explorer Theme
- ExtLinkRewriterPlugin Plugin for Rewriting External Link URLs
- ExtendedcamelcasePlugin Automatically create links for words in camelCase
- ExternalLinksNewWindowPlugin Open external links in new windows (XHTML conforming)
- ExtractUrlPlugin Extract URL from Trac wiki links in plugins and macros
- FaqPlugin Manage Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Trac
- FileListPlugin Create file list on wiki page
- FineGrainedPageAuthzEditorPlugin Editor for Fine Grained Authz Permissions File
- FiveStarVotePlugin Star rating system for wiki pages and tickets
- FlashEmbedMacro Embed Flash content in wiki pages
- FlashGanttPlugin Display Gantt chart of Trac milestones
- FlatTableMacro Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form
- FlexibleAssignToPlugin Customize the 'assign to' field on tickets
- FlexibleReporterNotificationPlugin Control when notifications are sent to the reporter of a ticket
- FlexibleWikiPlugin Flexible Wiki Plugin
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- ForcePreviewPlugin Require users to preview ticket and wiki changes before submission
- FreeDocPlugin Wiki pages FreeBSD handbook style
- FreemindMacro Embed Freemind mindmaps into wiki pages
- FullBlogNotificationPlugin Email Notifications for FullBlogPlugin
- FullBlogPlugin Add a self-contained blog to Trac
- FulmoIntegration Easy ticket creation with an annotated screenshot
- GamedevTheme RPI Game Development Club Theme
- GanttCalendarPlugin Ticket-based Gantt chart and calendar
- GanttChartPlugin Render Gantt charts in wiki pages
- GeoTicketPlugin Add geolocations to Trac tickets
- GitHubSyncPlugin Synchronise a GitHub repository with a local Trac repository
- GitPlugin Git Plugin for Trac
- GitoriousPlugin Use Gitorious as the source code hosting provider
- GitwebPlugin Embed Gitweb in Trac
- GlobalRegisterPlugin Global registration plugin
- GnomeBrTheme GnomeBR theme
- GoogleAppsAuthPlugin Trac Google Apps Authentication Plugin
- GoogleCalendarPlugin Embed a Google Calendar into Trac wiki pages
- GoogleChartPlugin Embed Google Charts in wiki pages
- GoogleMapMacro Insert a dynamic Google Map into wiki pages
- GoogleSitemapPlugin Google sitemap generator
- GoogleStaticMapMacro Insert a static Google Map as an image
- GoogleTranslateTimelineScript Language translation of changeset messages in timeline using Google Language API
- GraphvizPlugin Graphviz for dynamic generation of diagrams
- GridFlowPlugin Invoke ticket actions from report and query tables
- GridModifyPlugin Create grid of tickets to modify
- GringottsPlugin Gringotts encryption for Trac
- GroupBasedRedirectionPlugin Redirects users after login based on his groups permission
- GroupingAssignToPlugin Fill Assign-To by looking at permission groups
- GrowlPlugin Growl notification dispatcher for Trac events
- GtkDocPlugin Integrate GTK-Doc documentation pages into Trac
- GuestbookPlugin Guestbook component for Trac
- HackInstallPlugin Trac plugin manager
- HackergotchiPlugin Adds user-specific icons to the timeline view
- HgTimelinePlugin Interface Trac to multiple Hg repositories
- HideValsPlugin Hide ticket field values
- HipChatRelayIntegration Integrate HipChat relays into Trac
- HtBlowfishStorePlugin HtPasswdStore with Blowfish support
- HtGroupEditorPlugin Manage user groups in configuration file
- HttpAuthPlugin Force HTTP authentication from within Trac
- HudsonTracPlugin Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac
- IcalExporterPlugin Export iCalendar format for pages with an RSS feed
- IcalViewPlugin iCalendar plugin for ticket queries
- ImageTracPlugin Include a displayed image with a ticket upon ticket creation
- IncludeMacro Include external resources in a wiki page
- IncludePagesPlugin Include another page in current page
- IncludeSourcePartialPlugin Partial includes of files in wiki pages
IniAdminPlugin Edit all
options via the WebAdminPlugin - IniGetMacro Display option values for trac.ini
- InlineMacro Display inline sanitized XHTML markup
- InputfieldTrapPlugin Inputfield spam-trap
- InsertElementMacro Insert HTML Elements
- InsideTracPluginIntegration RSS feeds from other projects in timeline
- InterTracCommitPatch Support InterTrac to trac-post-commit-hook
- IrcAnnouncerPlugin Announce Trac changes over IRC channel
- IrcLogsPlugin Display IRC logs
- IrkerPlugin Announce Trac changes to IRC via Irker
- IttecoTracPlugin Itteco implementation for agile project management
- JavadocWikiMacro Render links to the Javadoc pages
- JiraToTracIntegration Import Jira backup files into Trac
- JobControlPlugin A job scheduler and monitoring plugin for Trac
- LastModifiedMacro Show last modification date of wiki page
- LatexFormulaMacro Render Latex formula to image
- LatexMacro LateX support in wiki pages
- LdapAuthnzPlugin AccountManager LDAP IPasswordStore implementation
- LdapPlugin LDAP extensions to grant group permissions
- LightGreenTheme Light Green Theme
- LighterTheme Lighter Theme
- LinenoMacro Prints code listings with line numbers
- LinkedInMacrosMacro LinkedIn widget library
- ListMilestonesMacro Show a list of chosen Milestones
- ListOfWikiPagesMacro List all Wiki Pages with Author and Last Changed Date
- ListTracProjectsMacro Display tabulated list of Trac projects
- LittleMaryTheme Little Mary Theme
- LogViewerPlugin View the trac.log file via the web frontend
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Jul 16, 2015, 10:37:15 PM