Hacks for Trac 1.2.x
Results (201 - 258 of 258)
- TracIniAdminPanelPlugin trac.ini Editor Panel
- TracJsGanttPlugin Display a jsGantt chart in a wiki page
- TracKeywordsPlugin Add ticket keywords from a configured list
- TracLinksPlugin Generate TracLinks for the page, put anchors on paragraphs
- TracMathJaxPlugin Render mathematical expressions in Trac using MathJax
- TracMercurialPlugin Mercurial VCS backend plugin
- TracMigratePlugin Migrate to new environment with another database
- TracMobilePlugin A modern web-based mobile display for Trac
- TracPastePlugin Add a pastebin component to Trac
- TracRackAndPin Authenticate user based on Rack&Pin production membership
- TracRpcGetAllUsersPlugin XMLRPC user related APIs
- TracStatsPlugin Display project statistics on code, wiki and tickets
- TracSvnAuthzPlugin Web interface to edit Subversion authorization (authz) files
- TracSvnPoliciesPlugin Svn policy interface
- TracTicketChainedFieldsPlugin Dynamically change field depending on value of parent
- TracTicketChangelogPlugin Show ticket relative changelogs
- TracTicketFieldsLayoutPlugin Allow to customize the layout of ticket fields in view and form
- TracTicketReferencePlugin Add support for Trac ticket cross-reference
- TracTicketRelationAndSchedulePlugin Add complex ticket relations and schedule management
- TracTicketStatsPlugin Plot Trac Ticket Statistics
- TracTicketTemplatePlugin Create customisable ticket templates
- TracTicketValidatorPlugin Validate ticket fields
- TracTimeDeltaUpdatorPlugin Automatic update for relative date-time displays on Trac
- TracTweakUiPlugin Tweak the Trac user interface
- TracUserSelectFieldPlugin Enable a drop-down list to select users for custom fields. Set a specific user according to workflow
- TracWaveDromPlugin Render Wavedrom drawings within a Trac wiki page
- TracWikiPrintPlugin/WikiPrintXhtml2pdf Make Trac wiki pages printable
- TracWikiToPdfPlugin Create PDFs from wiki pages
- TracWorkflowAdminPlugin Web interface for workflow administration of Trac
- TracWysiwygPlugin Trac Wiki WYSIWYG Editor
- TracXsdPlotMacro Produce graphical images of the structure of XML Schema files
- TracYetAnotherChartMacro Create bar/line/pie charts of query results
- TracpathTheme A set of themes for Trac based on TracPath
- TranslatedPagesMacro Show translated versions of wiki page
- TrueHttpLogoutPatch True logout mechanism for Basic/Digest Authentication
- UpcomingMilestonesChartMacro Chart of upcoming milestones macro
- UserManagerPlugin Manage users and teams
- UserPicturesPlugin Adds user picture icons (avatars) to Trac
- UsernameDecoratePlugin Show author information instead of username in Trac
- ValuePropagationPlugin Update fields or fields on other tickets when a ticket changes
- VotePlugin Reddit-style voting on Trac resources
- WantedPagesMacro List of non-existent wiki pages that are linked to
- WatchlistPlugin Watchlist for Wiki pages and Tickets
- WeekPlanPlugin Multi-week calendar for planning
- WikiAutoCompletePlugin Autocomplete wiki syntax
- WikiCalendarMacro Small calendar with days linking to wiki pages
- WikiCreateTicketPlugin Create tickets from wiki markup
- WikiCssPlugin Set styles based on the styling of a single wiki page
- WikiExtrasPlugin Wiki Extras for Trac
- WikiFormsPlugin Provides forms anywhere where there is a wiki
- WikiGanttChartPlugin Provide simple Gantt chart with an editor in Trac wiki
- WikiReplacePlugin Search and replace text in wiki pages
- WikiReportMacro Insert a Trac report into a wiki page
- WikiTableMacro Display a table in a wiki page
- WikinfoPlugin Display metadata information on wiki page
- WorkLogPlugin Track time spent on tickets
- WorkflowNotificationPlugin Configuration of email notifications tied to ticket workflow
- XmlRpcPlugin Trac XML-RPC Plugin
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Oct 3, 2017, 12:35:44 AM