Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of AdoptingHacks

Feb 3, 2010, 7:04:44 AM (14 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Adding some verification steps are a footnote.


  • AdoptingHacks

    v6 v7  
    2424 1. Add your username to the '''Maintainer''' field.
    2525 1. Add your username to the list of '''Tags'''.
    26  1. Edit the following line to set yourself as the owner for new tickets (the adopter's username is ''newmaintainer'' in this example).
     26 1. If the plugin has a `` file, you can add your name and email address to the `maintainer` and `maintainer_email` fields[[FootNote(This step will also allow you to verify that you can checkin changes to the repository.)]][[FootNote(To see an example, take a look at [source:doxygenplugin/0.11/ this file.])]].
     27 1. Edit the following line to set yourself as the owner for new tickets (the adopter's username is ''newmaintainer'' in this example)[[FootNote(After completing this step you may want to select the '''new ticket''' link and verify that a ticket opened from the plugin's wiki page is assigned to you. You may also want to open a ticket using the '''New Ticket''' link in the main navigation bar and verify that the ticket is assigned to you in that case as well.)]].
    2728 {{{
    2829  If you have any issues, create a
    2930  [/newticket?component=UserStatsMacro&owner=newmaintainer new ticket].
    3031 }}}