Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of AdoptingHacks

Feb 3, 2010, 7:31:33 PM (14 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Add whitespace between two footnotes


  • AdoptingHacks

    v7 v8  
    2424 1. Add your username to the '''Maintainer''' field.
    2525 1. Add your username to the list of '''Tags'''.
    26  1. If the plugin has a `` file, you can add your name and email address to the `maintainer` and `maintainer_email` fields[[FootNote(This step will also allow you to verify that you can checkin changes to the repository.)]][[FootNote(To see an example, take a look at [source:doxygenplugin/0.11/ this file.])]].
     26 1. If the plugin has a `` file, you can add your name and email address to the `maintainer` and `maintainer_email` fields[[FootNote(This step will also allow you to verify that you can checkin changes to the repository.)]] [[FootNote(To see an example, take a look at [source:doxygenplugin/0.11/ this file.])]].
    2727 1. Edit the following line to set yourself as the owner for new tickets (the adopter's username is ''newmaintainer'' in this example)[[FootNote(After completing this step you may want to select the '''new ticket''' link and verify that a ticket opened from the plugin's wiki page is assigned to you. You may also want to open a ticket using the '''New Ticket''' link in the main navigation bar and verify that the ticket is assigned to you in that case as well.)]].
    2828 {{{