= Adopting plugins == How to adopt unmaintained plugins When owners of one of the plugins hosted on http://trac-hacks.org retire, the plugin may be adopted by interested parties to maintain and further the plugin for the Trac community. The standard procedure is: 1. Open a ticket for the plugin in question and add the tag `adoption-request` in the ''Keywords'' field. Ask about its maintainership status on the [http://lists.trac-hacks.org th-users mailing list] (quoting the ticket you've just opened) and tell the audience that you are willing to take over maintainership. Allow for a two week grace period for the author of the plugin to reply. 1. If the author replies, he/she decides how to proceed. He/she could deny your request, ask us to give you read/write permission for the plugin in the repository, or even pass (maintainer|owner)ship to you. 1. If the author does not reply, reply to your original post on the [http://lists.trac-hacks.org th-users mailing list]. The trac-hacks admins then grant write permission to the repository. == After adopting a plugin Make the following changes to the plugin: 1. Change the '''Owner''' of open tickets from the previous maintainer to the new maintainer. 1. Replace the username in the **Maintainer** field with `[[Maintainer]]`, if the change has not already been made (#10249). 1. Add your username to the list of '''Tags''' on the plugin's wiki page. Remove the [/tags/'needsadoption' needsadoption] tag, if present. 1. If the plugin has a `setup.py` file, you can add your name and email address to the `maintainer` and `maintainer_email` fields, respectively[[FootNote(This step will also allow you to verify that you have write access to the repository.)]] [[FootNote(To see an example, take a look at [/browser/doxygenplugin/0.11/setup.py?rev=6328&marks=42-43#L1 this file.])]]. 1. Remove the `&owner=oldmaintainer` portion from the query string:[[FootNote(After completing this step you may want to select the '''new ticket''' link and verify that a ticket opened from the plugin's wiki page is assigned to you. You may also want to open a ticket using the '''New Ticket''' link in the main navigation bar and verify that the ticket is assigned to you in that case as well. The latter case depends on the trac-hacks admin assigning you as the hack's owner, so it is good to check that this was done correctly and follow-up with the admin if not.)]]. {{{ If you have any issues, create a [/newticket?component=UserStatsMacro'''&owner=oldmaintainer''' new ticket]. }}} The ticket is automatically assigned to the new maintainer, so it is no longer necessary to explicitly set this parameter. == Available for adoption See the [tag:needsadoption list of plugins] available for adoption. If you have a plugin which you no longer wish to maintain, please add the [/tags/'needsadoption' needsadoption] tag to the plugin's wiki page. == Administrator Actions The following steps should be taken by an administrator when changing the maintainer of a plugin: 1. Change the //Component// owner of the plugin to the new maintainer: Admin > Ticket System > Components. Put the old Component owner in the description field. 1. Grant read/write access to new maintainer for the plugin's repository path. [[FootNote(Currently the SvnAuthzAdminPlugin is not functional, so this must be done by editing the permissions file.)]]. Generally we do not revoke read/write access for any previous maintainers. [[FootNote]]