[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = Advanced Argument Parser for WikiMacros == Description This plugin provides an advanced version of the `parse_args` function for WikiMacros. This function is used in WikiMacros to parse the macro arguments. This enhanced version is meant as a replacement of `trac.wiki.macros.parse_args` and supports several advanced options, see section [#Parameters]. The most important feature is the support for quoting the delimiter, eg `key1=val1, key2="some,text", key3=val3` will correctly return `some,text` as the value of `key2`. The original `parse_args` function would return `"some` and handle `text"` as separate argument. Other plugins which use this plugin: * GoogleMapMacro * GoogleStaticMapMacro * ListOfWikiPagesMacro * TicketStatsMacro * TicketChartsMacro === Definition {{{#!python def parse_args (args, strict = True, multi = False, listonly = False, minlen = 0, quotechar = '"', escchar = '\\', delim = ',', delquotes = False) }}} === Usage Example {{{#!python # Instead of: from trac.wiki.macros import parse_args # Use: from tracadvparseargs import * class SomeMacro(WikiMacroBase): def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, args): largs, kwargs = parse_args( args, ) }}} === Parameters `args`:: The argument string; 'content' in `expand_macro. This is the only mandatory argument. `strict`:: Enables strict checking of keys. `multi`:: Enables folding of muliple given keys into list.[[BR]] If set to `True`, values of multiple given keys will be returned as list, but single given keys will return a scalar.[[BR]] If set to a list, only the values of the listed keys will be returned as list, but always as list even when there is only one value.[[BR]] If this list contains `'*'`, __all__ values are __always__ returned as list. `listonly`:: If true only a list is returned, no directionary. `minlen`:: Extend returned list to given minimum length. Only used when `listonly=True`. '''Parser parameters''' `quotechar`:: The quote character to be used. `escchar`:: The escape character to be used. `delim`:: The delimiter character to be used. `delquotes`:: Selects whether quotes should be removed. == Bugs/Feature Requests Existing bugs and feature requests for AdvParseArgsPlugin are [report:9?COMPONENT=AdvParseArgsPlugin here]. If you have any issues, create a [/newticket?component=AdvParseArgsPlugin new ticket]. [[TicketQuery(component=AdvParseArgsPlugin&group=type,format=progress)]] == Download Download the zipped source from [export:advparseargsplugin/0.11 here]. Released Python eggs: [/svn/advparseargsplugin/releases/TracAdvParseArgsPlugin-0.2.6952-py2.6.egg v0.2] and [/svn/advparseargsplugin/releases/TracAdvParseArgsPlugin-0.3.7033-py2.6.egg v0.3] This package is also available from [pypi:TracAdvParseArgsPlugin here]. == Source You can check out AdvParseArgsPlugin from [/svn/advparseargsplugin here] using Subversion, or [source:advparseargsplugin browse the source] with Trac. == Installation General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the [TracPlugins#InstallingaTracplugin TracPlugins] page. == Recent Changes [[ChangeLog(advparseargsplugin, 3)]] == Author/Contributors '''Author:''' [wiki:martin_s] [[BR]] '''Maintainer:''' [[Maintainer]] [[BR]] '''Contributors:'''