Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of DevGuide

Mar 22, 2016, 10:02:08 PM (8 years ago)

Cosmetic changes


  • DevGuide

    v20 v21  
    99Plugin authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how the contribution is licensed. This is important for both users and future developers of your plugin, because if you choose to no longer support the plugin, the terms under which someone else can adopt and develop it are clear. It is also important for users and administrators who need to understand the terms and conditions under which they can use or modify the code.
    11 Trac-Hacks is an open source community driven by voluntary contributions and made successful by collaboration. Therefore we encourage the use of licenses that foster collaboration and minimise restrictions on future use of the code. Trac has adopted the [trac:TracLicense BSD 3-Clause license], and use of the same license in any plugin code is encouraged. One of the many benefits to adopting this license is that any plugin code can be integrated into the Trac core down the road.
     11Trac-Hacks is an open source community driven by voluntary contributions and made successful by collaboration. Therefore we encourage the use of licenses that foster collaboration and minimise restrictions on future use of the code. Trac has adopted the [trac:TracLicense BSD 3-Clause license], and use of the same license in any plugin code is encouraged. One of the many benefits to adopting this license is that any plugin code can be integrated into the Trac core.
    1313The following steps are suggested to add a license:
    4848revision = "$Rev$"
    49 homepage = ""
     49homepage = ""
    5050license = "3-Clause BSD"
    5151author = "Joe Bloggs"
    7878Authors are encouraged to conform to the [trac:TracDev/CodingStyle Trac Style Guide] and [ PEP-0008 style guide].
    80 There are numerous other recommendations, and while some are mainly a matter of personal esthetic and preference, others are suggested for review and adoption:
     80There are numerous other recommendations, and while some are mainly a matter of personal aesthetics and preference, others are suggested for review and adoption:
    8181 * [wikipedia:Yoda_conditions Yoda conditions] as [comment:ticket:11622:24 suggested by lkraav]:
    8282  * makes comparisons more obvious by putting the constant up-front
    9393== Assert Minimum Trac Version Requirement
    95 A common method of specifying a minimum required Trac version is to add an installation requirement in ``. For example: `install_requires = ['Trac >= 0.12']`. However, this causes numerous problems, some of which are documented in #9800, and is not recommended. One of the most negative consequences is that setuptools may download and install a newer version of Trac. The result can be an unintended upgrade of a user's installation (#10607).
     95A common method of specifying a minimum required Trac version is to add an installation requirement in ``, for example: `install_requires = ['Trac >= 0.12']`. However, this causes numerous problems, some of which are documented in #9800, and is not recommended. One of the most negative consequences is that setuptools may download and install a newer version of Trac. The result can be an unintended upgrade of a user's installation (#10607).
    9797A better approach is to place the following in the package ``, modifying `min_trac_version` as appropriate for your plugin: