== Examples == '''NOTE: this has changed from 0.3 to 0.4!!!!''' All config options go under the [account-manager] config heading. Options for this module are: {{{ #!ini [account-manager] #--to use this module with AccountManager, ADAuthStore must be enabled inside of AccountManager password_store = ADAuthStore #--define the Active Directory host address here. A port other than default(389) is set as # ldap://hostname:port or ldaps://hostname:port dir_uri = ldap://adserver.example.com #-- the Active Directory's base DN to search from, this is likely just your domain dir_basedn = DC=example,DC=com #-- the user/password to search the directory from, it must be a valid dir_binddn = ldapuser@example.com dir_bindpw = ldapuserpassword #-- timeout for an ldap operation before in seconds dir_timeout = 5 #-- the default charset for the ldap server dir_charset = utf-9 ##### Userinfo #-- the attribute containing the users login name, THIS MUST BE UNIQUE! user_attr = sAMAccountName #-- the attribute containing the users display name name_attr = displayName #-- the attribute containing the users email addy email_attr = mail ##### Groups #-- where to look for groups, uses dir_basedn if not defined. group_basedn = ou=Groups,dc=foo,dc=net #-- expand directory groups group_expand = 1 #-- the name of a group .. uses user_attr if not defined. group_attr = cn #-- which attribute to look in for members group_member_attr = member #-- what to look for in the member_attr group_member_value = dn #-- the dn of a group that has valid users, all users if not enabled group_validusers = CN=Alltechs,OU=Mail enabled groups,OU=Email,DC=serverplus,DC=com #-- the DN for a group automagically given TRAC_ADMIN # if this option is enabled you must specify the UserExtensiblePermissionStore as the trac permission store, such as: # [trac] # permission_store = UserExtensiblePermissionStore group_tracadmin = CN=Administration,DC=example,DC=com #### Cache Tuning #-- cached entry time to live in seconds cache_ttl= 90 #-- memorycache size in entries, and a highwater warning mark cache_memsize = 400 cache_memsize_warn = 300 #-- memory cache prune size in percentage cache_memprune = 5 [trac] permission_store = UserExtensiblePermissionStore }}} If you are unsure of what the DNs for your groups are, you may want to use an LDAP browser to inspect your Active Directory schema to find out a group's DN.