[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = Send verification webpages for Google Webmaster Service == Description [https://www.google.com/webmasters/ Google's Webmaster service] asks you to place a special webpage on your server to verify that you are the webmaster. This simple plugin handles the HTTP request for this webpage after it is configured in the config file `trac.ini`. Please note that this works so far only with single project Trac installations. == Bugs/Feature Requests Existing bugs and feature requests for GoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin are [report:9?COMPONENT=GoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin here]. If you have any issues, create a [/newticket?component=GoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin new ticket]. [[TicketQuery(component=GoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin&group=type,format=progress)]] == Download Download the zipped source from [export:googlewebmasterverifyplugin here]. == Source You can check out GoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin from [/svn/googlewebmasterverifyplugin here] using Subversion, or [source:googlewebmasterverifyplugin browse the source] with Trac. == Example Google asks you to put a webpage called like `googlefe33d72848790168.html` into the root of your web server. The configuration looks like this: {{{#!ini [components] tracgooglewebmasterverify.* = enabled [googlewebmasterverify] verify = fe33d72848790168 }}} == Recent Changes == [[ChangeLog(googlewebmasterverifyplugin, 3)]] == Author/Contributors == '''Author:''' [wiki:martin_s] [[BR]] '''Maintainer:''' [[Maintainer]] [[BR]] '''Contributors:'''