Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of KeepInterfaceSimplePlugin

Jun 6, 2018, 6:13:27 PM (6 years ago)
Jon Ashley

Document that 'status' for newly-created tickets evaluates to the empty string. Prior to release 2.4, it evaluated to 'new'.


  • KeepInterfaceSimplePlugin

    v11 v12  
    150150== Expression syntax
    152 In expressions, field names evaluate to the current value of the corresponding field, except for the special names `status`, which evaluates to the ticket status, `authname`, which evaluates to the current username, `true` which evaluates true and `false`, which evaluates false. If the field name is prefixed with an underscore, it evaluates to the value of the field at the time the page was loaded.
     152In expressions, field names evaluate to the current value of the corresponding field, except for the special names `status`, which evaluates to the ticket status (or the empty string if the ticket has not yet been created), `authname`, which evaluates to the current username, `true` which evaluates true and `false`, which evaluates false. If the field name is prefixed with an underscore, it evaluates to the value of the field at the time the page was loaded.
    154154Text-type fields evaluate to their contents, checkboxes evaluate to true if checked or false if not, and Select or Radio fields evaluate to the selected item if an item is selected or undefined if no item is selected.