[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = One Repository Commit Can Update Tickets From Multiple Trac Sites == Description We have multiple repositories and multiple Trac sites. Our users expressed a need to be able to update tickets on multiple Trac sites from a single commit comment in a repository. For example, consider the commit: {{{ Updated the foo to fix the bar. Closes #71 See #42 as well }}} Our problem was that ticket 71 existed in TracSiteA, and ticket 42 existed in TracSiteB. On TracSiteA, the comment would be added to ticket 71 and 42, but ticket 42 on TracSiteA had nothing to do with the issue. Similarly on TracSiteB, the comment would be added to ticket 42, with an unknown link to the non-existent ticket 71 on that site. This patch enables our users to commit thusly: {{{ Updated the foo to fix the bar. Closes #71@TracSiteA See #42@TracSiteB as well }}} The comments only get added to TracSiteA ticket 71 and TracSiteB ticket 42. As some added gravy this patch also converts the comments so that the links take the user to the correct place. For example, the source of the comment on ticket 71 of TracSiteA would appear as... {{{ Updated the foo to fix the bar. Closes #71@TracSiteA See [[http://mytracsite.com/TracSiteB/ticket/42|#42@TracSiteB]] as well }}} ...and the source of the comment on ticket 42 of TracSiteB would appear as... {{{ Updated the foo to fix the bar. Closes [[http://mytracsite.com/TracSiteA/ticket/71|#71@TracSiteA]] See #42@TracSiteB as well }}} ... this way links created in the comment don't take our users to confusing places. == !Bugs/Feature Requests Existing bugs and feature requests for OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch are [report:9?COMPONENT=OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch here]. If you have any issues, create a [/newticket?component=OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch new ticket]. [[TicketQuery(component=OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch&group=type,format=progress)]] == Download Download the zipped source from [export:onerepomanytracsitespatch here]. == Source You can check out OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch from [/svn/onerepomanytracsitespatch here] using Subversion, or [source:onerepomanytracsitespatch browse the source] with Trac. == Installation Apply the patch to tracopt/ticket/commit_updater.py. Update your trac.ini file. Following the scenario in the description: TracSiteA's ini has... {{{ [ticket] commit_ticket_update_name_is_required = true [commit_ticket_update_inversions] TracSiteB = http://mytracsite.com/TracSiteB/ticket/ }}} ...and TracSiteB's ini has... {{{ [ticket] commit_ticket_update_name_is_required = true [commit_ticket_update_inversions] TracSiteA = http://mytracsite.com/TracSiteA/ticket/ }}} == Recent Changes [[ChangeLog(onerepomanytracsitespatch, 3)]] == !Author/Contributors **Author:** [wiki:wrightnn] [[BR]] **Maintainer:** [[Maintainer]] [[BR]] **Contributors:**