= Page2DocBook - Export wiki pages as docbook documents = '''Project options:''' [source:page2docbookplugin Browse Source] | [report:9?COMPONENT=Page2DocbookPlugin View Tickets] | [/newticket?component=Page2DocbookPlugin New Ticket] '''Download options:''' [/svn/page2docbookplugin/builds/PageToDocbook-0.6.3.egg Python Egg (v0.6.3)] | [/svn/page2docbookplugin Subversion Repository] | [export:page2docbookplugin Zipped Source] == Notice == {{{ #!html
Until further notice you can find the latest version of the plugin in this page,
but future version will be available from the repository at github.
}}} == Installation == This plugin was tested with Trac versions 0.10 and 0.11. Please ensure the following python modules are installed before installing this plugin: * python-uTidyLib (note: if you're using a 64bit OS, you may need [https://github.com/lachlan-00/utidylib2 this fork ], or more specifically, this [http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=14691&group_id=1810 this patch]) * python-libxml2 * python-libxslt Refer to the [http://trac.edgewall.org/search?q=TracPlugins Trac plugin documentation] for details on how to build and install plugins and macros. After installing, a new alternative format should appear on the bottom of each wiki page, next to the "Plain Text" link. == Companion Script == There's a [source:page2docbookplugin/page-retriever/getDocbookDocuments.py companion python script] that retrieves all the docbook files for a given set of wiki pages. It saves the docbook files to the local computer, along with any attached image file, making them ready for processing with [http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookPublishingTools any other tool that receives docbook as input]. This script is currently mostly undocumented, but I believe it is simple enough to be easily understood. == Recent Changes == [[ChangeLog(page2docbookplugin, 3)]] == Credits == This plugin was authored by [wiki:FilipeCorreia]. Additional credits go to [http://osteele.com/ Oliver Steele] for his [http://osteele.com/software/xslt/html2db/ html2db] stylesheets.