
Version 37 (modified by figaro, 7 years ago) (diff)

Further cosmetic changes

Listing modified files per ticket in Trac

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This is a plugin that lists the files that have been modified during the resolution of a ticket, ie ticket-related modified files. It also checks if those files have been modified to resolve other tickets, to warn the developer about possible conflicting tickets.

This plugin is sponsored by Rentalia. For more background as to why this plugin was created, see #6301.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TicketModifiedFilesPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


6 / 10


9 / 11


2 / 3


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out TicketModifiedFilesPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

You have to explicitly enable the plugin. This is done in the [components] section of the configuration file conf/trac.ini, where you need to add:

ticketmodifiedfiles.* = enabled

Note: You might need to have to create the [components] section if this is the first plugin you are installing.

Then reload/restart your webserver/tracd.


This step is optional.

By default, tickets that are in the "closed" state are ignored when looking for conflicting tickets. You can change this behavior in the conf/trac.ini file by creating a new section:

ignored_statuses = closed, documentation

Note: If you leave the ignored_statuses parameter empty, there will be no ignored status and all tickets of modified files are in scope.

Recent Changes

16490 by rjollos on 2017-04-13 02:54:56
2.0.0dev: Fix legend markup

Refs #5817.

16489 by rjollos on 2017-04-13 02:50:53
2.0.0dev: Adapt to Trac 1.0 database API

  • Add multirepository support.
  • Fix location of legend text (Fixes #5817)

Fixes #13149.

16488 by rjollos on 2017-04-12 19:53:33
2.0.0dev: Refactor code

Patch by pipern.

Fixes #8576.



Author: Emilien Klein
Maintainer: none (needsadoption)