
Version 18 (modified by figaro, 9 years ago) (diff)

Cosmetic changes, tagged with license

Miscellaneous functions to ticket view: CKEditor, navigation table, descriptions, sorting versions


Component TextAreaDescription

Shows next to a text area a description what the field is for, such as the description itself or any custom description.

Default values for options:

description_descr = 
descr_template = <div style="white-space: normal; height: 250px; overflow:scroll;" class="system-message">%s<div>

See Screenshot.

Component CssTemplate

Add links to style sheets located in templates folder.

CSS files starting with "all_templates" are added for all Trac sites. CSS files starting with template name (without .html-suffix) are added for specific template.

To apply the changes you need to restart the server.

Examples for files which resides in projects templates folder:

all_templates_general.css added to all Trac sites
ticket_additional.css only added for ticket.html pages

For discussion in Trac about this topic, see Trac ticket #9683.

Component CustomizedTicketView

Supports changes of the ticket view:

  • disables field field-reporter, so it cannot be changed anymore
  • disables button Reply, so no comment can be made to any description

See also: SimpleTicketPlugin

See Screenshot.

Component SortMilestoneVersion

Sorts drop-down lists of version and milestone regardless of the case and make milestone a mandatory field, when a default milestone is set.

Default behavior of Trac for sorting milestones is:

inbox, v1, v2, Inbox, V1, V2

This plugin sorts it as follows:

inbox, Inbox, v1, V1, v2, V2

Component TicketNavigation

Implements an extra Navigation menu by dividing the main ticket information in several div areas and providing a "jump-to" to the areas which are represented in the navigation box.


Screenshot of TextAreaDescription - red box under "Beschreibung" aka description) and HtmlContent (Editor):

Screenshot of text area description (red box)

Screenshot of CustomizedTicketView - creator "Ersteller" is disabled, so it cannot be changed:

Showing hiding creator of ticket (Component `CustomizedTicketView`)

Screenshot of TicketNavigation - list of headers are as toolbox under mainnav:

Showing ticket navigation box (Component `TicketNavigation`)

Screenshot of SortMilestoneVersion - milestones are sorted by name regardless of their case (uppercase "TBD" is next to lowercase "tbd"):

Sorting milestones by name instead of due date (Component `SortMilestoneVersion`)

Screenshot of SortMilestoneVersion - versions are sorted in alphabetical order instead of their due / completion date:

Sorting versions by name instead of due date (Component `SortMilestoneVersion`)

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TicketNavPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from [download:ticketnavplugin here].

Or download the pre-compiled python egg.


You can check out TicketNavPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Sample configuration of TextAreaDescription

descr_template = <div style="white-space: normal; height: 250px; overflow:auto;text-align:left;" class="system-message">%s<div>
description_descr = <div style="font-weight: bold">Folgende Fragen sollen beantworten werden:<br/></div><ul><li>Was wurde gemacht?</li></ul>

Sample configuration of HtmlContent

description_format = html
editor_source = site/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js
editor_replace = <script type="text/javascript">CKEDITOR.replace('@FIELD_NAME@', {toolbar: 'custom'});</script>
additional_css = site/css/add_ticket.css

Recent Changes

14674 by framay on 2015-06-16 04:59:02
fixes #12386: added license
13249 by aleuhe on 2013-05-27 14:16:31
TextAreaDescription and it's .css file have been changed a little bit.

the Trac.ini has to be adapted:

The following attributes are now obsolete:
ATTRNAME.css_style = ...

The following attributes have to be added
descr_template = <div class="ticket-descr %s">%s%s<div>
releasenotes_relevant_tag = <p class = "rntag">Release-Notes relevant!</p>
releasenotes_relevant = <COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF ATTRNAMES>

11355 by aleuhe on 2012-03-02 14:14:05


Author: framay
Maintainer: Franz

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