Change History for TracCasPlugin

Version Date Author Comment
* 4 years figaro Tags 0.10 removed
* 8 years figaro Tags 0.9 removed
11 8 years figaro Cosmetic changes
10 9 years figaro Cosmetic changes
* 10 years Ryan J Ollos Tags dgelhar added; needsadoption removed
9 10 years Ryan J Ollos coderanger is no longer maintaining this plugin.
8 11 years Ryan J Ollos It's back on the adoption block
7 11 years Ryan J Ollos New maintainer. Refs #9899.
6 13 years Ryan J Ollos I'm pretty sure this is unmaintained.
5 16 years Noah Kantrowitz Move to using docs in svn.
4 16 years Noah Kantrowitz
3 16 years graham.fawcett@… added traccas-enabled line to configuration example
2 17 years Ryan Berdeen
1 18 years Noah Kantrowitz New hack TracCasPlugin, created by coderanger