
Version 6 (modified by Christophe Drevet, 14 years ago) (diff)

GitHub history for Recent Changes

Gitosis administration plugin


This plugin allows partial gitosis administration from Trac.

Users will be able to add their public SSH key in gitosis (new settings tab).

Admins will be able to set the location of the gitosis-admin repository and settings for the git repository associated with Trac (requires GitPlugin.)

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TracGitosisPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from GitHub.


You can check out TracGitosisPlugin using git clone git://, or browse the source on GitHub.


Before this plugin can work, you need a few things :

  • a working git installation on the server running Trac
  • SSH key pair without passphrase for the user running Trac
  • access to a gitosis-admin repository

SSH key pair

Example on a RHEL server using Apache httpd :

# Create the key pair without passphrase
mkdir /var/www/.ssh
ssh-keygen -f /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa
# Connect to the server hosting gitosis once to validate the server identity
ssh -i /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/var/www/.ssh/known_hosts <git_user>@<git_server>
# Give this directory to the user running Trac (here: apache)
chown -Rh apache.apache /var/www/.ssh

Configure access to gitosis-admin

Simply add the previously generated public key in the file keydir/ and add the user trac in the gitosis-admin group members in the gitosis.conf file as for a standard gitosis admin. Then commit and push your changes. That should do it.

Recent Changes

See GitHub history


Author: dr4Ke
Maintainer: dr4Ke