= !TracShell: A command line shell interface to remote Trac instances = == Description == Using the XmlRpcPlugin, TracShell gives users a command line interface to Trac. More info and releases can be found at: http://code.google.com/p/tracshell/ == Example == {{{ $ tracshell -h Usage: ... $ tracshell Welcome to TracShell! Type `help` for a list of commands. trac->> query owner=joe&priority=critical 34: [ open ] the system is down 233: [ new ] aliens have begun the attack trac->> view 233 Details for ticket: 233 Summary: aliens have begun the attack Description: We just caught a UFO on live video television entering.. .... trac->> quit Goodbye! }}} == Author/Contributors == '''Author:''' [wiki:j_king] [[BR]] '''Contributors:'''