=== Using XMLRPC from Ruby === You can either use the XMLRPC functionality included in the [http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/xmlrpc/rdoc/index.html Ruby Standard Library] or [/attachment/wiki/XmlRpcPlugin/trac4r.tar.gz download the trac4r library] which does all the trivial stuff for you. please refer to the '''SSL Support''' section if you need one. ==== trac4r Example ==== This example uses trac4r: {{{ #!ruby require 'trac4r/trac' # initialize the connection (username and password can be ommitted if not needed, but most of the time you will need them if anonymous doesn't have XMLRPC permissions) trac = Trac.new "https://dev.example.com/trac/my_awesome_project", "myusername", "mypassword" # get a list of all tickets (as an array of numbers) trac.tickets.list :include_closed => true # this is the default anyway # get all the tickets # NOTE: the results here are cached, so you can call it as often as you want without producing traffic more than once. # use ":cached_results => false" to get the latest version trac.tickets.get_all :include_closed => true # get a single ticket ticket = trac.tickets.get 5 # print the data puts "Title: #{ticket.summary}" puts "Description: #{ticket.description}" puts "Milestone: #{ticket.milestone}" puts "Status: #{ticket.status}" puts "Type: #{ticket.type}" puts "Priority: #{ticket.priority}" # get a list of all wiki pages trac.wiki.list # download one page trac.wiki.get_html "SomeRandomPageName" # HTML version trac.wiki.get_raw "AnotherRandomPageName" # trac syntax version (e.g. for editing) # for previews use trac.wiki.raw_to_html "content of a page in [wiki:WikiFormatting Trac syntax] as a ''String''" # to post a page use trac.wiki.put "NameOfThePage", "content in Trac syntax" # list the attachments of a wiki page trac.wiki.attachments "NameOfThePage" # save an attachment File.new("my_cool_document","w") do |f| f.write trac.wiki.get_attachment "NameOfThePage", "my_cool_document.pdf" end # upload an attachment to the page above page = "NameOfThePage" fn = "my_nice_doc.pdf" fh = File.new(fn, "rb") sdata = fh.read data = XMLRPC::Base64.new(sdata) result = trac.wiki.put_attachment(page, name, "uploaded via ruby script", data) # the correct result should be the name of the file: puts "ERROR: uploading #{name} didn't work properly!" if result != name }}} Also see the included Documentation in trac4r/doc If you need to do a custom query do {{{ #!ruby trac.query("system.getAPIVersion") }}} The first argument is the method name, all other arguments are directly passed to XMLRPC. For this example of cause you could do `trac.api_version` instead ;) If you have any problems with trac4r you can email me: niklas.cathor (eat) gmail dot com ==== xmlrpc Example ==== An example using XML-RPC directly with Ruby to append to a wiki page: {{{ #!ruby require 'xmlrpc/client' user = "username" password = "password" page_name = "SandBoxRPC" new_content = "\n\nMy new content" new_comment = "Adding new content from ruby" server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("https://#{user}:#{password}@trac.server.com/trac/login/xmlrpc") content = server.call("wiki.getPage", page_name) + new_content server.call("wiki.putPage", page_name, content, {"comment" => new_comment}) }}} ==== SSL Support + X509 ==== The standard ruby xmlrpc client for some reason does not support SSL at all. In order to be able to use the XMLRPC over SSL with both * Client Certificate authentication * Basic Authentication One must do as follows. in order to proceed, you should have: * ca certificate in .pem format * personal certificate + RSA key in .p12 format (and its password, of course) * patched version of xmlrpc/client.rb * patched version of trac4r * username/password (for basic authentication) Assuming you have the above, and your ca and user certificates are respectively: {{{ ~/.openssl/cacert.pem ~/.openssl/certkey.p12 }}} ===== The Instructions ===== 1. apply the patches: 1. to the [attachment:"xmlrpc-client.SSL.patch" xmlrpc client] {{{ sudo su - cd /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/ patch -p0 < /path/to/xmlrpc-client.SSL.patch }}} 1. to the [attachment:"trac4r-1.2.3.SSL.patch" trac4r gem] {{{ sudo su - cd /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/ patch -p0 < /path/to/trac4r-1.2.3.SSL.patch }}} 1. create a .yml file called {{{~/.trac/creds.yml}}} of the following structure: {{{ --- tracurl: https://yourserver.yourdomain/yourproject tracuser: yourwebuser tracpass: yourwebpassword certkey: /home/youruser/.openssl/certkey.p12 cacert: /home/youruser/.openssl/cacert.pem keypass: yourkeypassword }}} * do not forget to chmod the personal files to 600 or 400 1. use the data in the code {{{ #!ruby require 'yaml' require 'openssl' require 'xmlrpc/client' require 'trac4r' ## read the data from yaml: $ymlname= "#{ENV['HOME']}/.trac/creds.yml" if !File.exists?($ymlname) raise "Cannot open credentials file!" end begin $vars = YAML::load_file($ymlname) rescue Exception => e raise "Cannot load credentials file #{$ymlname}: #{e.message}\nTrace: #{e.stacktrace}" end ## extract the certificate, and the key from the fles. pkcs = OpenSSL::PKCS12.new(File.open($vars['certkey']),$vars['keypass']) cert = pkcs.cert key = pkcs.key ## connect to the server trac = Trac.new($vars['tracurl'], $vars['tracuser'], $vars['tracpass'], $vars['cacert'], cert, key) ## from now you can refer to the connection as open (or query it) ## use the API as explained above. }}} '''NOTE:''' The working environment of the code (trac4r + ssl) is: * Debian/GNU system: {{{Linux hostname 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 21 05:58:44 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux}}} * OpenSSL: {{{OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007}}} * Ruby: {{{ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]}}} * The certificates have been issued by the above OpenSSL setup.