Results (101 - 200 of 426)
- FlatTableMacro Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form
- FlexibleAssignToPlugin Customize the 'assign to' field on tickets
- FlexibleReporterNotificationPlugin Control when notifications are sent to the reporter of a ticket
- FlexibleWikiPlugin Flexible Wiki Plugin
- FoldMacroProcessorMacro Add foldable sections
- FootNoteMacro Add footnotes to wiki page
- ForcePreviewPlugin Require users to preview ticket and wiki changes before submission
- FreeDocPlugin Wiki pages FreeBSD handbook style
- FreemindMacro Embed Freemind mindmaps into wiki pages
- FullBlogPlugin Add a self-contained blog to Trac
- FullTextSearchPlugin Perform Full Text Search on the command line
- FulmoIntegration Easy ticket creation with an annotated screenshot
- GamedevTheme RPI Game Development Club Theme
- GanttCalendarPlugin Ticket-based Gantt chart and calendar
- GenshiMacro Render Genshi templates directly in wiki pages
- GitolitePlugin Manage Gitolite repositories from Trac
- GitoriousPlugin Use Gitorious as the source code hosting provider
- GitwebPlugin Embed Gitweb in Trac
- GoogleAnalyticsIntegration Integrate Google Analytics into Trac
- GoogleCalendarPlugin Embed a Google Calendar into Trac wiki pages
- GoogleChartPlugin Embed Google Charts in wiki pages
- GoogleTranslatePlugin Add Google Translate to ticket pages
- GraphvizPlugin Graphviz for dynamic generation of diagrams
- GridFlowPlugin Invoke ticket actions from report and query tables
- GridModifyPlugin Create grid of tickets to modify
- GroupTicketFieldsPlugin Grouping ticket fields using different fieldsets
- GrowlPlugin Growl notification dispatcher for Trac events
- HackergotchiPlugin Adds user-specific icons to the timeline view
- HideChangesPlugin Hide ticket changes based on configurable rules
- HideFieldChangesPlugin Hide field changes in ticket history
- HideValsPlugin Hide ticket field values
- HideableQueryPlugin Hide or show the query site
- HtGroupEditorPlugin Manage user groups in configuration file
- HttpAuthPlugin Force HTTP authentication from within Trac
- HudsonTracPlugin Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac
- IncludeAttachmentMacro Display the text of an attachment
- IncludeMacro Include external resources in a wiki page
- IncludePagesPlugin Include another page in current page
- IncludeSourcePartialPlugin Partial includes of files in wiki pages
- InfoSnippetPlugin Present a box with basic ticket and wiki-page information and copy it to clipboard
IniAdminPlugin Edit all
options via the WebAdminPlugin - IniGetMacro Display option values for trac.ini
- InlineMacro Display inline sanitized XHTML markup
- InputfieldTrapPlugin Inputfield spam-trap
- IrcAnnouncerPlugin Announce Trac changes over IRC channel
- IrcLogsPlugin Display IRC logs
- IrkerPlugin Announce Trac changes to IRC via Irker
- JqChartMacro Add JQPlot charts to wiki pages
- JupyterNotebookPlugin Preview Jupyter Notebooks
- KeywordReplacePlugin Replace keywords with their associated values
- KeywordSuggestPlugin Autocomplete feature for the Keywords field
- LastModifiedMacro Show last modification date of wiki page
- LdapAuthStorePlugin A password store for the AccountManagerPlugin using LDAP
- LdapPlugin LDAP extensions to grant group permissions
- LighterTheme Lighter Theme
- LittleMaryTheme Little Mary Theme
- LogWatcherPlugin Viewer for log files
- LoomingCloudsPlugin Display a tag cloud with a ticket
- MacroChainMacro Chain multiple macros and processors
- MailArchivePlugin Email archive for storing emails in Trac
- MailPlugin XMailPlugin allows to send periodically user-specific mails of new or changed tickets
- MarkdownMacro Markdown WikiProcessor Macro Implementation
- MasterTicketsPlugin Add support for ticket dependencies to Trac
- MathCaptchaPlugin A simple equation challenge used as a Captcha
- MentionedTicketsPlugin List all tickets mentioned in a ticket
- MenusPlugin Hierarchical navigation menus
- MermaidMacro Render mermaid diagrams in wiki pages
- MetapostPlugin Embed Metapost diagrams into wiki pages
- MilestoneTemplatePlugin Use templates from the wiki when creating a new milestone
- MockDataScript Create mock data for new install
- ModWsgiAcctmgrScript Configure Mod_WSGI Account manager
- MsSqlBackendPlugin Microsoft SQL Server as a backend database
- MscgenPlugin Add message sequence chart diagrams with mscgen to Trac wiki page
- MultiProductPlugin Add basic multiple product support
- MultiProjectBacklogPlugin A backlog plugin supporting multiple projects
- MultiProjectCommitTicketUpdaterPlugin Multi-project version of the inbuilt commit_ticket_updater tool
- MultiRepoSearchPlugin Full text search in multiple repositories
- MultiSelectFieldPlugin Add support for a multiselection dropdown box as a custom field in a ticket
- MultipleWorkflowPlugin Workflow based on ticket type
- NarcissusPlugin Narcissus - A tool for team reflection
- NavAddPlugin Add custom items to main and meta navigation bar
- NavigationDisplayPlugin Display navigation menu as fixed menu or other navigation options
- NeighborPagePlugin Add Next / Previous wiki links
- NewTicketLikeThisPlugin New Ticket Like This
- NewsFlashMacro Display a colored box
- NikoCaleMacro Create a Niko Niko calendar
- NoAnonymousPlugin Disallow anonymous access
- NoticeManagerPlugin Prepare email addresses for notification emails
- NukeUserPlugin Delete users and their tickets and comments
- OdtExportPlugin Export wiki pages as OpenDocument (ODT)
- OhlohBadgeMacro Show Ohloh project thin badge
- OnSiteNotificationsPlugin Display on-site notifications
- OpenIdConnectPlugin OpenID Connect authentication for Trac
- OpenIdDelegatePlugin Add OpenID delegation links
- OpenSearchPlugin Search via Browser's search bar, Windows Explorer or Office-IME2010
- OverlayViewPlugin Provides an overlay view to view attachments
- PackageRepositoryPlugin Package Repository
- Page2DocbookPlugin Page2DocBook - Export wiki pages as docbook documents
- PageTicketsMacro Show tickets mentioned on wiki page
- PandocPlugin Preview docx files using Pandoc
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Aug 24, 2014, 6:14:37 AM