Results (201 - 300 of 426)
- ParameterizedIncludeMacro Include wiki pages in each other with parameter substitution
- PdfPreviewPlugin Preview PDF files
- PeerReviewPlugin Distributed Peer Review of Source Code
- PencilPreviewPlugin Preview Evolus Pencil files
- PendingTicketPlugin Support for Pending Tickets
- PerlPodPlugin Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation) Preview
- PermRedirectPlugin Redirect users to the login screen on PermissionError
- PhpdocPlugin PHPDocumentor plugin for Trac
- PlantUmlMacro Render PlantUML diagrams in wiki pages
- PollMacro Create polls based on tickets or static arguments
- PrivateCommentPlugin Add Private Comments
- PrivateReportsPlugin Add permissions to restrict access to individual reports
- PrivateTicketsPlugin User specific ticket permissions
- PrivateWikiPlugin Restrict access to sections of the Wiki
- ProgressMeterMacro Progress meter with arguments similar to TicketQuery macro
- ProjectMenuPlugin Quick navigation menu for a multi-project setup
- ProtectedMacro Protect parts of a wiki page from invalid access
- ProxyDavPlugin Enable repository access through a DAV proxy
- PullRequestsPlugin Track the status of code repository pull requests
- PyDocPlugin Generate Python documentation using pydoc
- PyDotOrgTheme A theme based on
- PyTppThemePlugin A theme based on and The Python Papers
- QaTrackerPlugin Manage QA Test Cases
- QueryUiAssistPlugin Toggle custom query filter checkbox sets by clicking on label
- QueuesPlugin Manage ticket queues via drag-and-drop
- QuietPlugin Disable email notifications
- RandomIncludePlugin Random Includes and Random Quotes (Fortune Cookies)
- ReadmePlugin Display README files, especially Markdown, in Browse Source
- RelevantTicketPlugin RelevantTicketPlugin
- RemoteTicketConditionalCreatePlugin Create tickets to a remote Trac installation
- RepoSearchPlugin Search the source code repository
- ReposReadMePlugin Repository Readme File Rendering
- ResourceReservationPlugin Resource Reservation plugin for Trac
- RevtreePlugin Revision Graph for the Version Control Browser
- RoadmapHoursPlugin Show estimated and actual hours in roadmap and milestone progress bars
- RobotsTxtPlugin Robots.txt handler
- RssEmbedMacro Embed RSS feed into wiki page
- ScheduledWorkflowPlugin Schedule automatic workflow on tickets
- SchedulingToolsPlugin Scheduling Trac tickets
- ScrippetMacro Add Fountain / Scrippets markup to wiki pages
- SearchAttachmentsPlugin SEarch wiki and ticket ATtachments (SEAT)
- SectionEditPlugin Edit a single wiki section
- SecureTicketsPlugin Adds ticket security policy based on component
- SelfDeletePlugin Delete wiki pages and attachments you created
- ServerDownMacro Check if host/port is open
- ServerSideRedirectPlugin Server Side Redirect from a Wiki Page
- SharingButtonsPlugin Add Sharing Buttons to Your Trac
- ShellExampleMacro Display command line shell examples in Trac wiki pages
- SimpleMultiProjectPlugin Manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance
- SimpleTicketPlugin Hide fields from ticket entry form
- SiteUploadPlugin Upload files to the Trac site directory
- SixHatsMacroPlugin Apply a Six Thinking Hats labeling
- SkittlishTheme Skittlish Theme for Trac
- SlackIntegration Announce Trac changes to Slack service
- SlideShowPlugin Convert content of wiki pages to S5 Slideshows
- SnapshotPlugin Store report and query result to wiki as a static snapshot
- SpoilerMacro Add a "Spoiler!" button around textual content
- SqlAlchemyQueryMacro Execute an SQL query from within Trac
- SqlConstantsPlugin Maintain list of static data as key-value pairs
- SqlQueryMacro Execute an SQL Query from within Trac
- StaticDocsPlugin Add static pages to your Trac pages
- StatusHistoryChartMacro Plot a graph of a ticket's field change history
- StickyTicketPlugin Printing Sticky of Trac Tickets
- StractisticsPlugin Repository, ticket and wiki statistics
- SubticketsPlugin Subtickets support for Trac tickets
- SumFieldsPlugin Sums specified fields in custom queries
- SumStatsPlugin Sums specified field in Roadmap and Milestone stats
- SvnCliRemotePlugin Subversion connector for remote and local repositories using the svn command line client
- SvnMultiUrlsPlugin Show SVN URLs for multiple repositories links in browser
- TablePlugin Create tables with custom styling
- TableSorterPlugin Sort tables by clicking on headings
- TagsPlugin A Tagging System for Trac
- TaskListPlugin Task List Plugin
- TeamCalendarPlugin Team availability calendar
- TeamcityPluginIntegration Integrate the Teamcity build service into Trac
- TestCaseManagementPlugin Manage test cases in Trac and Subversion
- TestManagerForTracPlugin A full test management life-cycle plugin for Trac
- TextMateBundle TextMate Bundle for Trac
- TextareaKeyBindingsPlugin Keybindings for textarea controls
- TgAuthPlugin TurboGears Auth Store
- ThemeEnginePlugin Modular styles manager for Trac installations
- TicketCalendarPlugin Ticket calendar as box calendar, list and macro in Trac
- TicketCreateButtonsPlugin Create new tickets from an existing ticket
- TicketDeletePlugin Ticket Change and Ticket Delete Plugin
- TicketExtPlugin Ticket extensions
- TicketFieldFilterPlugin Filter ticket fields depending on ticket type and user permissions
- TicketFieldsPlugin Filter custom fields on a per-ticket basis
- TicketGuidelinesPlugin Display guidelines for entering new tickets or modifying tickets
- TicketImportPlugin Import or update tickets in batch from an Excel or CSV file into Trac
- TicketLastCommentJumpPlugin Add link to last comment in the ticket
- TicketModeratorPlugin Human moderation for tickets / comments from unprivileged users
- TicketModifiedFilesPlugin Listing modified files per ticket in Trac
- TicketNavPlugin Miscellaneous functions to ticket view: CKEditor, navigation table, descriptions, sorting versions
- TicketRelationsPlugin Define dependency relations between tickets
- TicketStencilPlugin Prepopulate the description of a new ticket
- TicketToRtmPlugin Synchronize Trac tickets to Remember the Milk task manager
- TicketToSalesforcePlugin Synchronise Trac tickets to Salesforce tickets
- TicketToTracScript Create tickets from the command line
- TicketTreePlugin Ticket Tree for Trac
- TicketValidatorPlugin Ticket Validator
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Aug 24, 2014, 6:14:37 AM