Results (301 - 400 of 426)
- TimeTrackingPlugin Time estimation and tracking
- TimeVisualizerPlugin Render burndown images in svg format
- TocMacro Display Table of Contents
- ToggleMacroPlugin Hide and unhide sections of corpus text in wiki pages
- TopMacro Top of page Macro
- TracAsciidoctorPlugin Trac Renderer for Asciidoc pages using Asciidoctor
- TracAutoCompletePlugin Autocomplete ticket fields
- TracBackLinkPlugin Back link feature in Trac (trac:#611)
- TracBacklogPlugin Manage a Trac ticket backlog
- TracBacksPlugin Backlinks for tickets in comment history
- TracBashrcScript Trac .bashrc administration commands
- TracCasPlugin CAS-based login for Trac
- TracCodeProcessorMacro Code Wiki Processor
- TracComponentAliasPlugin Set aliases for Trac components
- TracCronPlugin Trac task scheduler, recurring tasks
- TracCrowdAuthPlugin Authenticate to Trac using Crowd
- TracCsvPlugin Preview CSV files in wiki pages
- TracDbftsPlugin Provide search feature using database fulltext index
- TracDependencyPlugin Add support for inter-Trac ticket dependencies and summary tickets
- TracDeveloperPlugin A plugin to aid in the development of Trac plugins
- TracDocsPlugin Add documentation to source code through Subversion
- TracDragDropPlugin Drag-and-Drop attachments in Trac
- TracDupPlugin Synchronise master-child tickets
- TracFewFixesPlugin Provide fixes for no longer fixed or delayed tickets
- TracFlexibleQueryUiPlugin Make columns in custom query sortable and able to add and remove columns without submitting form (t:#7026)
- TracHacksPlugin TracHacks custom modifications
- TracHgrcEditPlugin Mercurial hgrc File Editor
- TracHotBackupScript Backup tool that enhances the trac-admin hotcopy utility
- TracHoursPlugin Track hours spent on tickets
- TracHtmlNotificationPlugin Send ticket notification with HTML part (trac:#2625)
- TracImageSvgMacro Display SVG image on Trac pages
- TracIniAdminPanelPlugin trac.ini Editor Panel
- TracJenkinsPlugin Integrate the Jenkins build service into Trac
- TracJsGanttPlugin Display a jsGantt chart in a wiki page
- TracKanbanBoardMacro Trac Kanban Board
- TracKeywordsPlugin Add ticket keywords from a configured list
- TracLdapAuthPlugin Password store for when running LDAP services
- TracLinksPlugin Generate TracLinks for the page, put anchors on paragraphs
- TracMetrixPlugin Project progress statistics and quality metrics
- TracMigratePlugin Migrate to new environment with another database
- TracPastePlugin Add a pastebin component to Trac
- TracPygit2Plugin Pygit2 integration for Git repository on Trac 0.12+
- TracQuickPluginTemplateScript Trac quick plugin template script
- TracRackAndPin Authenticate user based on Rack&Pin production membership
- TracRelationsPlugin Manage relations between Trac resources like relates to or parent > child in tickets
- TracReleasePlugin Software Release Control for Trac
- TracReportInplaceEditPlugin Edit tickets in reports by inplace editor
- TracReportManagerPlugin Manage Trac reports
- TracRestrictAccessPlugin Restrict to some user the access to Trac
- TracSchedulerPlugin Scheduled tasks manager
- TracSentinelPlugin Sentinel-based login for Trac
- TracSqlHelperScript Helper functions to abstract the Trac SQL API
- TracSqlPlugin Perform SQL queries on the Trac database
- TracStatsPlugin Display project statistics on code, wiki and tickets
- TracSuposePlugin Search a Trac repository with SupoSE
- TracSvnAdminPlugin Add and delete Subversion repositories
- TracSvnAuthzPlugin Web interface to edit Subversion authorization (authz) files
- TracSvnPoliciesPlugin Svn policy interface
- TracTabPlugin Serve a page in Trac within an Iframe
- TracTerminologyPlugin Manage terminology descriptions
- TracTicketChainedFieldsPlugin Dynamically change field depending on value of parent
- TracTicketChangelogPlugin Show ticket relative changelogs
- TracTicketChangesetsPlugin Update tickets with changeset commit messages
- TracTicketConditionalValidatePlugin Trac Ticket Conditional Validate Fields Plugin
- TracTicketFieldsLayoutPlugin Allow to customize the layout of ticket fields in view and form
- TracTicketRelationAndSchedulePlugin Add complex ticket relations and schedule management
- TracTicketStatsPlugin Plot Trac Ticket Statistics
- TracTicketTemplatePlugin Create customisable ticket templates
- TracTicketValidatorPlugin Validate ticket fields
- TracTicketWeightPlugin Apply weights to ticket fields to determine priority / severity
- TracTimeDeltaUpdatorPlugin Automatic update for relative date-time displays on Trac
- TracTweakTheme A collection of themes modifying the Trac default theme
- TracTweakUiPlugin Tweak the Trac user interface
- TracUserSelectFieldPlugin Enable a drop-down list to select users for custom fields. Set a specific user according to workflow
- TracWaveDromPlugin Render Wavedrom drawings within a Trac wiki page
- TracWikiMenuPlugin Trac Wiki menu plugin based on Wikitoolsplugin and Superfish
- TracWikiNegotiatorPlugin Content negotiation plugin for Trac wiki
- TracWikiPrintPlugin Make Trac wiki pages printable
- TracWorkflowAdminPlugin Web interface for workflow administration of Trac
- TracWysiwygPlugin Trac Wiki WYSIWYG Editor
- TracXsdPlotMacro Produce graphical images of the structure of XML Schema files
- TracYetAnotherChartMacro Create bar/line/pie charts of query results
- TraclatePlugin Translation infrastructure for software based on Trac
- TracpathTheme A set of themes for Trac based on TracPath
- TracvatarPlugin Adds Gravatar icons to Trac
- TranslatedPagesMacro Show translated versions of wiki page
- TranslationManagerPlugin Managing translation of your source code
- TypedTicketWorkflowPlugin Typed Ticket Workflow
- UnixGroupsPlugin Assign permissions based on UNIX system groups
- UpcomingMilestonesChartMacro Chart of upcoming milestones macro
- UrlDefenderPlugin A handler to redirect anonymous requests
- UserManagerPlugin Manage users and teams
- UserPicturesPlugin Adds user picture icons (avatars) to Trac
- UsernameDecoratePlugin Show author information instead of username in Trac
- ValuePropagationPlugin Update fields or fields on other tickets when a ticket changes
- VcsReleaseInfoMacro Display Version Control Software Release Information
- VirtualTicketPermissionsPlugin Virtual ticket permissions
- VisualBasicTracConnectorIntegration VBA class module as MS-Office connector via XML-RPC
- VisualizationPlugin Graphs tables and other data using Google Visualization API
- VotePlugin Reddit-style voting on Trac resources
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Aug 24, 2014, 6:14:37 AM