Results (401 - 426 of 426)
- WantedPagesMacro List of non-existent wiki pages that are linked to
- WebSequenceDiagramPlugin Render UML diagrams on Trac wiki and ticket pages
- WeekPlanPlugin Multi-week calendar for planning
- WhiteboardPlugin Whiteboard for tickets
- WikiAutoCompletePlugin Autocomplete wiki syntax
- WikiCalendarMacro Small calendar with days linking to wiki pages
- WikiCommentsPlugin Annotate and comment on Trac wiki pages
- WikiCompatPlugin Wiki Compatibility Plugins for Sycamore and Moin-Like Wikis
- WikiCreateTicketPlugin Create tickets from wiki markup
- WikiCreoleRendererPlugin WikiCreole page renderer
- WikiCssPlugin Set styles based on the styling of a single wiki page
- WikiExtrasPlugin Wiki Extras for Trac
- WikiFormsPlugin Provides forms anywhere where there is a wiki
- WikiGanttChartPlugin Provide simple Gantt chart with an editor in Trac wiki
- WikiGoodiesPlugin Wiki Goodies for Trac
- WikiNotificationPlugin Subscribe to wiki changes
- WikiReplacePlugin Search and replace text in wiki pages
- WikiTableMacro Display a table in a wiki page
- WikiTicketCalendarMacro Calendar view of Milestones and Tickets
- WikinfoPlugin Display metadata information on wiki page
- WorkflowActionButtonsPlugin Add streamlined workflow-action buttons to the top of a ticket
- WorkflowEditorPlugin Edit the workflow of tickets
- WorkflowNotificationPlugin Configuration of email notifications tied to ticket workflow
- XmlRpcPlugin Trac XML-RPC Plugin
- XsltMacro XSL-Transformation Macro
- YumlPreprocessorMacro Display UML diagrams using yuml
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Aug 24, 2014, 6:14:37 AM