= matobaa [[PageOutline(2-5, pullout)]] http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/matobaa [http://trac-hacks.org/report/7?USER=matobaa My Tickets] [http://trac.assembla.com/matobaa/report/6# ​at assembla] [http://trac-hacks.org/query?status=!closed&cc=~matobaa&order=priority CC:matobaa] [http://trac-hacks.org/query?reporter=~matobaa&order=priority from:matobaa] [http://trac-hacks.org/report/12 Request-a-Hack] == released at trac-hacks (alphabetical order) [[ListTagged(matobaa)]] == [https://github.com/matobaa/ Github] * [https://github.com/matobaa/Trac-LDRizePlugin Trac-LDRizePlugin] vi-like keyboard navigation for Trac ITS == [http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/matobaa/trunk/ ​Assembla] (newest first) * TicketVersionNaviPlugin: next / previous version link on ticket * InterTracForTicketPlugin: Digits on intertrac redirects to its ticket * ​MockForTest: Notifier but do NOT send e-mail but dump to debug log * CronPlugin: Run jobs periodically * ​FieldModifyProhibit: modifying fields requires permission * ​NumberListToTicketList: Search with numbers assumed as ticket number * ​UnusedReportPlugin: Report the report is used or not * AutoAttachPlugin: Attach files automatically * ​AttachmentValidate: provide trac-admin attachment validate command; report attachments is existed or not * CascadedRoadmap: * AnalyzeCustomField: provide trac-admin customfield analyze command; report cardinality or more of custom field * ​StampRally: joke. Status changes show as stamp rally ;-) == I Recommend * TicketLastCommentJumpPlugin Add link to last comment in the ticket (link, ticket, 0.11, 0.12, plugin, wadatka) == friends * wiki:wadatka * wiki:lino