
Version 69 (modified by Steffen Hoffmann, 12 years ago) (diff)

add more contributors from recent commits


Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.

Major db code changes, requires a Trac environment upgrade announcer-1.0dev to address many pending issue.
Set the stage: On the way to announcer-1.0 now, that should be compatible for Trac 0.11, but also will work up to current stable Trac 1.0.


  • "downgrade db API code for compatibility with Trac 0.11 (currently only 0.12)"
  • fix more bugs
  • document current subscription API
  • release announcer-1.0

Flexible notifications for Trac

Overall description

The AnnouncerPlugin provides an alternative notification system, that can be used to completely replace the default TracNotification.

Improve users Trac experience.
With growing number of both tickets and wiki pages, keeping yourself up-to-date on recent changes is a time consuming task and easy to miss some important information. The bigger your Trac application and user base, the more important is a flexible announcement system. At the very least, it will allow users to receive notices about attachments, and to opt-out from receiving messages due to the always_notify_(owner|reporter|updater) options. AnnouncerPlugin has wiki subscription capabilities [1] and provides each registered user with a large set of options to adapt change notifications to individual demand.

Get room for promising development.
AnnouncerPlugin is as modular as Trac itself. It's easy to add new capabilities to the framework, i.e. see WatchlistPlugin for easy per-wiki-page announcement registration and one-click ticket subscriptions challenging Trac's classic Cc ticket field. AnnouncerPlugin is meant to be agnostic to what is being watched, where you should send something (email, IRC, jabber, ...), and what format it should look at, so blog support is barely the beginning. It has still a lot more possibilities to discover. The full system (in the not-too-distant-future) will allow users to 'subscribe' to certain events by specifying simple yet powerful rules, such as asking to receive an announcement for any change that involves a ticket with a priority greater then 'high'. AnnouncerPlugin is meant to be ''the future of TracNotification''.

Secure your knowledge.
While sharing all knowledge is a great idea in a perfect world, real-world businesses commonly rely on tight informational restrictions, that customers can rely on. In professional communication cryptographically signed and encrypted email is essential. AnnouncerPlugin will become a building block of this new Trusted Trac information management. It's OpenPGP support is already on the way.

[1] see WikiNotificationPlugin for another approach

AnnouncerPlugin extensions:

Installation and Configuration


  • AnnouncerPlugin will only ever run on 0.11b1 or later.
  • While development is done with Trac 0.11 still in mind, i.e. to get full internationalization support you'll want to checkout from 'trunk' branch not before you have Babel installed on your system. Beware: This plugin may break notifications from other Trac plugins that use the default TracNotification system. A plugin that sends notifications using the TracNotification system needs to be modified to use the AnnouncerPlugin API. For example, see the aforementioned FullBlogPlugin.


  • Download the zipped source from [download:announcerplugin/0.11 0.11], [download:announcerplugin/0.12 0.12] or [download:announcerplugin/trunk trunk].
  • You can check out AnnouncerPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

Note: Don't use anything older than current trunk, or be prepared to at least loose some/all of your settings when upgrading. This might, but is not guaranteed to get addressed later on due to a number of rather experimental db schema versions (see comments in [12296] to [12302] for details.)

After installing AnnouncerPlugin, be sure to run trac-admin /path/to/env upgrade. This is needed because the plugin adds two tables to the Trac db. The upgrade script allows the plugin to create the needed table or update any older schema. Note though, that data conversion is still worked on and even might never get fully done for the more ancient revisions.

As of r3107 (dubbed v0.2), the AnnouncerPlugin has been working (for me!) in a basic way in our corporate Trac installation. This includes all the mentioned modules above, in particular the notification of Wiki additions/changes/deletions to anyone interested, 'watching' interesting resources, HTML ticket notifications, and such.

The email distribution is not as stable and complete as the default TracNotifications yet; there are options that are not yet taken into account, and a lot of stuff particularly focused around codecs that are simply ignored right now. That isn't to say it won't work, just that you should be prepared for errors if you're ambitious enough to use it until more people have tried it. :)


The easiest way to install AnnouncerPlugin is to simply point easy_install from the t-h.o SVN repository, a la:


Alternatively, you may download the source via one of the above methods, go into the trunk directory and then run:

 python install

For the newer branches (0.12/trunk) see the i18n/l10n section below for an important hint on egg creation that applies to system wide installations as well.

Development Environment

Scroll to the DevelopmentVersion for a quick development environment setup.

Central configuration

Fast path

For a system that is basically compatible with your existing setup and allowing minimally invasive wiki features, the following is suggested in trac.ini:

announcer.* = enabled

email_enabled = true

If you are still using 0.11, you'll need smtp_enabled instead of email_enabled. See the TracIni page after installation for additional available options.

Save on migration

If you configured the TracNotification system before, another approach to Announcer configuration is to simply rename the [notification] section in your trac.ini to [announcer]. Where possible, the option names are the same. Additional options that may be available are specified above in the modules section.

Deep waters

After you have installed the AnnouncerPlugin, you should carefully evaluate the modules you wish to use and enable them. The simplest method of doing this is through Trac's built in admin panels. The following recommendations should make decisions easier:

  • Producers - It is recommended you enable all of the producers; they are the source of events that are fed into the AnnouncementSystem.
    • TicketChangeProducer
    • WikiChangeProducer
    • AttachmentChangeProducer
  • Subscribers - Evaluate the descriptions of the subscriber modules above, and decide which features you want users to support.
    • For compatiblity with your current setup, the following are recommended:
      • LegacyTicketSubscriber
      • StaticTicketSubscriber (if you use smtp_always_bcc)
      • CarbonCopySubscriber
    • Additional options that are recommended:
      • WatchSubscriber (to allow the user to Watch tickets or wiki entries; if you use this its possible to replace existing CC functionality with this more privacy-aware option)
      • GeneralWikiSubscriber
    • Possibly useful:
      • JoinableGroupSubscriber (this was more of a proof-of-concept then anything else; but with WatchSubscriber above and a disabled CarbonCopySubscriber, it can allow you to completely redefine the CC field)
  • Distributors - Only EmailDistributor is available at this point, so is essentially required.
  • Formatters - It is recommended that both formatter modules be enabled. If one is disabled, then events from that specified realm will never be able to be sent to anyone.
    • TicketEmailFormatter
    • WikiEmailFormatter
  • Resolvers - For all subscriptions besides those sent from CarbonCopySubscriber, a resolver must be present to translate a name into an address
    • SessionEmailResolver (recommended, will use the session's email address (authenticated or otherwise) to send mail)
    • DefaultDomainEmailResolver (recommended if you used the smtp_default_domain option previously)
    • SpecifiedEmailResolver (not recommended-- a proof of concept if nothing else)

For better collaborate with the WatchlistPlugin the two contextual navigation items Watch This/Unwatch This on the wiki page can be renamed by specifying the following in the [announcer] section. An empty value removes them completely.

ctxtnav_names = Notify me, Do not notify me 

Modular per-user configuration

The plugin itself is very modular, and exactly what features you have will depend on which modules you enable. You select modules in the 'Plugins' page of the 'Admin' section of your trac as stated the previous section.

Legacy Modules

These mimic the standard trac notification that has been in Trac for awhile. In all cases, they are configured via the [announcer] section of the trac.ini. In most cases, the options are identical to what was previously in the [notification] section. In fact its recommended that you simply rename [notification] to [announcer] if you are going to be using any of these compatibility modules.

  • StaticTicketSubscriber: If enabled, this module will obey the smtp_always_bcc option to deliver a copy of every announcement sent out to a single address.
  • LegacyTicketSubscriber: If enabled, this module will obey the always_notify_owner, always_notify_reporter and always_notify_updater option, except that individual users may choose to opt-out of this on a per-option basis. So if you don't want to receive messages just because you are the reporter, you can uncheck that.
  • CarbonCopySubscriber: If enabled, any name (or address) put into the CC field of a ticket will receive a notification. Note: I recommend you turn this off and instead use the CC field for groups and the Watch This feature for CC's! See below.


With the joinable_groups option in the [announcer] section, the Trac Admins can create any number of joinable groups. Any users may then in their preferences choose to join them by simply clicking to opt-into the membership.

This feature is provided by JoinableGroupSubscriber, and is meant to create targeted groups of people that should be notified about certain important issues. One example might be 'security' that security-related bugs should notify everyone about. Another might be 'sitedown' that represents a critical failure at a customer's site where you want to be sure to notify certain high level management in your company.

In any case, by prepending the group with an @ and adding it into the CC box, everyone who has opted into that group will receive notification of changes to that ticket. E.g., adding '@security' to the CC field will send the security team a message whenever someone alters it. The CarbonCopySubscriber ignores any such entries (if its enabled at all)

Configure like so:

joinable_groups = group1,group2,group3


If WatchSubscriber is enabled, then in the context-sensitive navigation portion of each ticket and wiki page, a 'Watch This' link will be provided. Clicking on it will add you to the watch list for the resource-- any changes to it will be sent to you. This can be in addition to the CC field if you have CarbonCopySubscriber enabled, or you can use it to replace the functionality. When a page is already watched, the link changes to 'Unwatch This'

General Wiki

If you would like to receive more general notice of wiki changes, you can use the GeneralWikiSubscriber. With it you may specify any number of patterns, and if they match a wiki page name, you'll receive a notice if that page is created, edited, deleted, or such.

In particular, you may use a pattern of '*' and you'll see any wiki changes that happen on the site.

This is particularly useful in situations where the wiki uses a hierarchal structure; so if you use a pattern such as 'Project*', then 'Project/Plan' and 'Project/Concerns' will all match.


For tickets, both a plain text and HTML formatter are currently supplied, and you may choose which you wish to receive in your preferences. For wiki pages, only a plain text notice is currently available.

The HTML formatter also sends out a plain text alternative for those email clients that may not support HTML email.

The following trac.ini options are available to configure the ticket formatter:

Determines the subject of the email that is sent out. Defaults to Ticket #${}: ${ticket['summary']}.
A list of fields that are always sent at the top of the email notification; Defaults to owner, reporter, milestone, priority, severity.


Although the goal is to allow many kinds of distribution, at this point we're only delivering to email addresses. The EmailDistributor uses the same options as the old trac notification, just (as above) in the announcer section and not the notification section. Some options it doesn't quite use yet but will in the future.

There are a few additional ones:

  • use_threaded_delivery: If Python is built with threads, this option will speed up actual delivery by a second or two-- that's not a long time, but it's time not spent delaying a request from going through.
  • default_email_format: This should be either 'text/plain' or 'text/html' and represents the default format that it sends email as. Users may override this in their preferences.
  • email_address_resolvers: An ordered list of resolvers (see below) that the distributor uses to map usernames to email addresses. The first one that returns an address, wins.


Currently, the following resolvers can be configured to map usernames to email addresses:

  • DefaultDomainResolver: This will simply blindly append the domain specified in [announcer] smtp_default_domain onto the end of the username.
  • SpecifiedEmailResolver: This will allow the user to override the email address in Trac (or anywhere else) to demand all email be sent to a certain address specified in their user preferences (and separate from Trac's normal address)
  • SessionEmailResolver: This will retrieve the email address associated with the username's Trac session.

The order is important: If you specify resolvers as

email_address_resolvers = DefaultDomainResolver, SpecifiedEmailResolver, SessionEmailResolver

then the only resolver, that will ever be checked, would be DefaultDomainResolver -- it blindly appends a domain name, after all. Its best for last.

The recommended setting is:

email_address_resolvers = SpecifiedEmailResolver, SessionEmailResolver

Unless you're in an intranet setup and DefaultDomainResolver is appropriate at the end.


The AnnouncerPlugin has plugins to support the following Trac plugins:

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AnnouncerPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Development Version

The trunk branch is under development again. Despite AnnouncerPlugin was already developed against Trac 0.12 and Python2.6 before, we're reaching back to Trac 0.11 and Python2.4 again (see #9106), before branching out and following Trac 1.0 for all great new features.

If you upgrade from early versions of AnnouncerPlugin, be prepared for a number of changes, even in the name space AnnouncerPlugin becomes TracAnnouncer. You will need to edit your trac.ini components section accordingly (announcerplugin -> announcer). There are many other module changes, so it's probably best to use the Trac plugin admin to configure TracAnnouncer after an upgrade.

As stated before, as of [8087] there is preliminary support for sending encrypted and/or cryptographically signed emails. OpenPGP support provided by GnuPG should be barely working by now as an intermediate solutions, but this will be rebased on CryptoPlugin methods later on. See more details at the corresponding development page.

Email delivery configuration has been changed significantly. Sendmail functionality has been added. SMTP configuration has been split out into it's own section. Save yourself some trouble and install IniAdmin. See new settings with default below.

Want to get started hacking TracAnnouncer? Here's what I would do. Replace vim with the editor of your choice. Replace git with the SCM of your choice.

  1. Make sure you have virtualenv installed
  2. Get the code
    ~ $ cd src
    ~/src $ git svn init th-announcer
    ~/src $ cd th-announcer
    ~/src/th-announcer $ vim .git/config
    ~/src/th-announcer $ cat .git/config
        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
        autocrlf = false
    [svn-remote "svn"]
        url =
        fetch = announcerplugin/trunk:refs/remotes/git-svn/trunk
        fetch = announcerplugin/0.11:refs/remotes/git-svn/0.11
        fetch = announcerplugin/0.11dev:refs/remotes/git-svn/0.11dev
    ~/src/th-announcer $ git svn fetch
    git blah blah
    ~/src/th-announcer $ git checkout -b trunk git-svn/trunk
    more blah blah
  3. Setup a virtualenv and install everything in it
    ~/src/th-announcer $ cd
    ~ $ virtualenv th-announcer
    ~ $ . th-announcer/bin/activate
    (th-announcer)~ $ pip install -U Babel Trac pysqlite
    pip blah blah
    (th-announcer)~ $ cd src/th-announcer
    (th-announcer)~/src/th-announcer $ python ./ compile_catalog -f 
    (th-announcer)~/src/th-announcer $ python develop
  4. It is also very helpful to install iniadmin pip install -U
  5. Create a trac instance for testing trac-admin ~/th-announcer/trac initenv
  6. Add root as a TRAC_ADMIN trac-admin ~/th-announcer/trac/ permission add root TRAC_ADMIN
  7. Create an htpasswd file so you can log in: echo root:Xy2PtsPf0839Y > ~/th-announcer/trac/htpasswd (that's 'password')
  8. Fire her up! cd ~/th-announcer/trac && tracd -p 7421 . -sr --basic-auth *,${HOME}/th-announcer/trac/htpasswd,*
  9. Browse to it. chromium http://localhost:7421/admin and login as root:password
  10. Enable all the announcer and iniadmin stuff.
  11. Edit your config with iniadmin.

About i18n/l10n support

The development version of this plugin is prepared for localization. After recent major changes an additional name-space has been introduced to separate maintenance efforts from development for upcoming versions. Be part of the shift, prefer contributions to the new stuff.
But English message texts are still the (POSIX) default. If this isn't your preferred language, you can

  1. look, if it's already available from the Trac plugin l10n project at Transifex (catalogs for older versions available as well) or
  2. do it yourself (see the l10n cookbook page for Trac plugins for more details).

You've done a new translation? Superb! Contributing your translation is highly appreciated.

You could send it to the plugin's maintainer or contribute to Trac plugin l10n project via Transifex:

Top translations: Trac_Plugin-L10N » tracannouncer

Kindly provided by

Preparing the plugin from source requires no additional steps for compiling message catalog files. Only to include translations marked as # fuzzy by the translator, you'll want to do a manual message catalog compilation with the extra -f argument before packaging:

cd announcer
python ./ egg_info
python ./ compile_catalog -f
python ./ bdist_egg

Due to a know Trac issue Babel has to be installed prior to Trac, to get it all working as expected.
Again, for more details see the l10n cookbook page for Trac plugins.

Email Config

default_email_format = text/plain
email_address_resolvers = SpecifiedEmailResolver, SessionEmailResolver, DefaultDomainEmailResolver
email_enabled = true
email_from = trac@localhost
email_from_name =
email_replyto = trac@localhost
email_sender = SmtpEmailSender
email_subject_prefix = __default__
email_to = undisclosed-recipients: ;
mime_encoding = base64
use_public_cc = false
use_threaded_delivery = false

debuglevel = 0
server = localhost
timeout = 10
port = 25
user = 
password =
use_tls = false
use_ssl = false

sendmail_path = sendmail

Recent Changes

17678 by rjollos on 2020-02-22 19:54:57
TracAnnouncer 1.2.0dev: Fix syntax error in r17660

Refs #12120, Fixes #13733.

17660 by rjollos on 2020-01-22 22:09:21
TracAnnouncer 1.2.0dev: Make prefs compatible with Trac 1.2

Refs #12120, Fixes #13733.

16900 by rjollos on 2017-10-18 06:00:30
TracAnnouncer 1.2.0dev: Use IEmailAddressResolver from Trac 1.2

Refs #12120.



Authors: ixokai, doki_pen
Maintainer: hasienda
Contributors: doki_pen, ebray, jun66j5, leorochael, mixedpuppy, olistudent, rea, rjollos, spcamp, slestak

Attachments (6)

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