
Version 6 (modified by anonymous, 16 years ago) (diff)


keep track of hours spent on tickets


The goal of this plugin is to help keep trac of hours worked on tickets. This is done in response to TimingAndEstimationPlugin, but tailored to suit present needs:

  • Instead of adding hours via the comment system, there is a separate view for hours:
  • /hours is a management view. This view displays the hours for all tickets for the last week (by default) in a way that combines the query interface for querying tickets and the timeline display for hours on the tickets in the time period.
  • query filters are available to find hours for people, hours for tickets of a certain component, etc;
  • a view for /hours/<ticket number>; this displays the accrued hours for a particular ticket with a timeline-like view, but should also allow adding of new hours (by default, on "today", but this should be changeable via dropdown menus for day, month, year, etc), editing previously entered hours (amount, date, description) and deleting previously alloted hours
  • the view at /hours/<ticket number> by default only allows adding/editing of one's own hours on the ticket; however, if you are a TRAC_ADMIN, you should be able to add/edit/delete others' hours as well
  • the default query period is the last seven days
  • Hours are uniquely assigned to tickets and people (required fields)
  • hours may have a description, which should be displayed in the applicable views; if a description is provided, the hours and description are logged to ticket comments
  • ticket <number> has a link to /hours/<number> so that a user could add and view hours for the ticket

Hour tracking and estimation is most useful when the following questions

can be answered:

  • How much time has been spent on a project?
  • How much time remains in a budget (estimate for a project)?
  • How much time have we committed to for the next time period ?
  • How much time is a developer committed to over the next time period?

If we put hour estimates on tickets, assign tickets to people, associate tickets with milestones, and give milestones due dates, a good time tracking plugin could generate reports to answer those questions.

For other trac time-tracking solutions, see

Enabling TracHours

TracHours is enabled like any other trac plugin:

  • download and install the plugin
  • enable the plugin. Use either the webadmin interface or add the following lines to the trac.ini file:
trachours.* = enabled
  • you will need to run trac-admin <env> upgrade in order to create the correct database tables

Bugs/Feature Requests

Please note all features at


The source is available at


Developed at The Open Planning Project

Authors: novalis, k0s

Attachments (2)

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