
Bitten for Git


Warning: BittenForGitPlugin is in early testing phase!

This is a modified version of Bitten. Bitten is a continuous integration plugin for Trac. It aims to be fully compatible with the git version control system. Use it to fully utilize the capabilites of Bitten when your version control system is Git.

Feature: Instead of the "path", "min revision" and "max revision" of the original Bitten build configuration, a branch is specified.

See also: BittenLintAnnotatePlugin

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for BittenForGitPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out BittenForGitPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Install it instead of normal Bitten. Remove all Bitten tables before installation, as the database schema is different and no automatic conversion is implemented at the moment. Install it like you would install Bitten.

Set the following in your trac.ini file:

cached_repository = false

Setting it to true will cause errors currently.

Recent Changes

16498 by rjollos on 2017-04-15 08:23:29
Fix indentation
16400 by rjollos on 2017-03-25 09:55:03
Remove one level of directory nesting
16397 by rjollos on 2017-03-25 09:37:00
Remove obsolete "0.9" code


Author: tauran
Maintainer: tauran

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Jun 16, 2022, 6:11:07 AM