
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#107 closed enhancement (fixed)

tracwiki2msword ?

Reported by: tjyang2001@… Owned by: anybody
Priority: normal Component: Request-a-Hack
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.8


Looks like this is agains the goal of trac, minimal approach but to better enable accpetence of trac within office environment. we need a msword 2 tracwiki and vice versa converter.


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Change History (17)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Alec Thomas

Component: TracHacksRequest-a-Hack
Owner: changed from Alec Thomas to anybody

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

I guess you could do this by writing a RTF exporter / importer - Word can output to RTF without problems and RTF is easier to parse (codewise) than DOC.

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang2001@…

Writing RTF exporter/importer by Python, right ? My python programming skill is not there yet. I know docbook has ability to export sgml into RTF. Too bad I don't have coporate account to spend with. I can only encourge others to take on this task by donating small gift from my own pocket. For others take on this task I will donate a give like a book/DVD or two from


comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang2001@…

"a give" -> "a gift".

comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

Python and RTF references I found on Internet.


comment:7 Changed 18 years ago by Alec Thomas

Both of those solutions require Windows and the latter requires Word be installed on the Trac server, this doesn't seem ideal.

Perhaps exporting to PDF would be better? Combining these two tickets would be ideal.

comment:8 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang

For the R1,  I think it doesn't require windows or word to be avaiable on Unix 
machine if you read "Breief Description" at .

tracwiki2pdf is not a good enough solution for my requirement(wish, I should say).

coporate office is all dominated by MS word(MS World ;), if a document solution does
not include MS Word compatiblity in some way(import/export) the this document 
solution will  have a tough sell.

I am tring to introduce Trac into my work place and this is just a personal effort, Tracwiki2msword is the first question/issue I need to address. I can't ask them to learn tracwiki syntax(I know the sytax is easy). but if I can show them just drag your word  document into Trac site and it will automaticately converted into tracwiki page then I have better chance to have coworker to accept Trac, for management they will ask can they dump all those wiki docs(institutional memory) into MS word doc ? so the tracwiki2msword two way conversion is important.

FrameMaker/OpenOffice/WordPerfect all this kind of software modules can do the work. 
I hope Trac can have this plugin. I hope somebody can do it. I don't have time and skill to do the work.

Sorry for the long post.
Any taker ? I can only provide gift donation. 


comment:9 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang

OR this shrot-cut approach, export Tracwiki into SGML and call up docbook/openjade to convert them into RTF. downside is that this tracwiki2rtf plugin will require docbook dependency. that dependency will drag in lots of other depended software.

comment:10 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang

I just learn from browsing Trac. This request is similar to tickets on Trac website. R4. R5.

comment:11 Changed 18 years ago by tjyang

Trac Release: 0.8

"Blogger for Word"is kind of appllication I am looking for (see R1).

Can we write a Word add-in application like above ? This is involved VBA for Word programming(see R2).

I am willing to contribute my own money US$500 for someone willing to take on this task.

Without this bridge application, Trac will have hard time to be adopted in office environment dominated by MS office.

In the mean time, I (Unix guy),will march ahead into VBA programming.

R1: R2:

comment:12 Changed 18 years ago by cchen@…

I was looking for similar functionality today and came across this:

The Wiki syntax understood by these VBScript macros don't exactly match Trac's WikiFormatting, so it would require some modification.

But I think it would be much easier and sufficient to create a set of macros: TracWiki2Word and Word2TracWiki. It's not completely integrated, but I think that's fine as a "first pass".

The Word2TracWiki macro would simply convert a Word document to WikiFormatting and copy the text contents to the clipboard and then the user would be responsible for pasting it into the Wiki.

The TracWiki2Word macro would do the reverse and take user pasted Wiki contents and create a Word document out of it.

I dunno...just a thought.

The logical extensions from this would be to then create a GUI (easiest to use VBScript macros as well, I guess) that would allow a user to configure a URL, login info (if applicable), and other settings which would call the Word2TracWiki macro and then send the contents to Trac (what would the endpoint be? a web service?).

comment:13 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

The Tiny MCE Plugin has a "paste from word" function. Maybe that'd help?

comment:14 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

You can do all sorts of conversions with OpenOffice. Of course, this means you have to have OpenOffice installed on the machine, but it's open-source and can run on anything, so that shouldn't be that big of a deal. Then you can convert to (m)any different formats. OpenOffice can run as a daemon/service as well.

Just a thought.

comment:15 in reply to:  8 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

can we do something related to open office? Replying to tjyang:

For the R1,  I think it doesn't require windows or word to be avaiable on Unix 
machine if you read "Breief Description" at .

tracwiki2pdf is not a good enough solution for my requirement(wish, I should say).

coporate office is all dominated by MS word(MS World ;), if a document solution does
not include MS Word compatiblity in some way(import/export) the this document 
solution will  have a tough sell.

I am tring to introduce Trac into my work place and this is just a personal effort, Tracwiki2msword is the first question/issue I need to address. I can't ask them to learn tracwiki syntax(I know the sytax is easy). but if I can show them just drag your word  document into Trac site and it will automaticately converted into tracwiki page then I have better chance to have coworker to accept Trac, for management they will ask can they dump all those wiki docs(institutional memory) into MS word doc ? so the tracwiki2msword two way conversion is important.

FrameMaker/OpenOffice/WordPerfect all this kind of software modules can do the work. 
I hope Trac can have this plugin. I hope somebody can do it. I don't have time and skill to do the work.

Sorry for the long post.
Any taker ? I can only provide gift donation. 


comment:16 in reply to:  description Changed 17 years ago by Alexey Tigarev

Replying to

Looks like this is agains the goal of trac, minimal approach but to better enable accpetence of trac within office environment. we need a msword 2 tracwiki and vice versa converter.

Partial solution may be good also: ability to present wiki page in "clean" style -- without any navigational headers, footers etc. so it will be possible to import it to Word/OpenOffice easily. Similar feature is implemented in WackoWiki.

comment:17 Changed 16 years ago by Martin Scharrer

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Implemented by lei with the PageToDocIntegration.

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