Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#11581 closed defect

Trac jsGantt plugin failed — at Version 2

Reported by: tsmelyanskiy@… Owned by: Chris Nelson
Priority: high Component: TracJsGanttPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 1.0

Description (last modified by Jun Omae)


I have a problem with Trac jsGantt plugin I got the plugin from I made *.egg file from by using python bdist_egg. After that I installed this egg with easy_install. I put into trac.ini everything what required installation manual. I restart apache, and after I get

TracError: ParsingError: File contains parsing errors: /opt/trac/apps/trac/trac_projects/ARCCN_Trac/conf/trac.ini
	[line 234]: '  # To work with TimingAndEstimationPlugin for percent complete, define ticket fields to use as the data source for:\n'
	[line 235]: '  fields.estimate = estimatedhours\n'
	[line 236]: '  fields.worked = totalhours\n'
	[line 238]: '  # Each unit in estimate is 1/8 of a day\n'
	[line 239]: '  days_per_estimate = 0.125\n'
	[line 241]: '  # To work with MasterTicketsPlugin for dependencies, define ticket fields to use as the data source for predecessor (pred) and successor (succ).\n'
	[line 242]: '  fields.pred = blockedby\n'
	[line 243]: '  fields.succ = blocking\n'
	[line 245]: '  # Alternatively, configure a pred-succ relation like:\n'
	[line 246]: '  #    relation.pred-succ = mastertickets,source,dest\n'
	[line 247]: '  # This causes TracPM to query the mastertickets table rather than\n'
	[line 248]: '  # parse blockedby and blocking custom fields.  This can be somewhat\n'
	[line 249]: '  # faster.\n'
	[line 252]: '  # To work with SubticketsPlugin for parent/child relationships, \n'
	[line 253]: '  # Ticket field to use as the data source for the parent \n'
	[line 254]: '  fields.parent = parents\n'
	[line 256]: '  # Alternatively, configure a parent-child relation like:\n'
	[line 257]: '  #    relation.parent-child = subtickets,parent,child\n'
	[line 258]: '  # This causes TracPM to query the subtickets table rather than parse \n'
	[line 259]: '  # the `parents` custom field.  This can be somewhat faster.\n'
	[line 260]: '  # When using SubticketsPlugin via a parent-child relation, do not \n'
	[line 261]: '  # configure a parent_format (next).\n'
	[line 264]: "  # To work with ChildTickets plugin parent_format, '#%s',\n"
	[line 265]: '  # Format of ticket IDs in parent field (default: %s).\n'
	[line 266]: '  parent_format = %s\n'
	[line 268]: '  # Custom fields for start and due dates\n'
	[line 269]: '  # Ticket field to use as the data source for start date (default: None)\n'
	[line 270]: '  fields.start = userstart\n'
	[line 271]: '  # Ticket field to use as the data source for finish date (default: None)\n'
	[line 272]: '  fields.finish = userfinish\n'
	[line 274]: "  # Format for ''start'' and ''finish'' date strings (default: '%Y-%m-%d')\n"
	[line 275]: '  date_format = %Y-%m-%d\n'
	[line 277]: "  # Ticket type for milestone-like tickets (default: 'milestone')\n"
	[line 278]: '  # Used to be milestone_type, that setting is now deprecated.\n'
	[line 279]: '  goal_ticket_type = milestone\n'
	[line 281]: '  # Ticket field to use as the data source for the percent complete column (default: None).\n'
	[line 282]: '  fields.percent = complete\n'
	[line 284]: '  # Hours represented by each unit of estimated work (default: 1).\n'
	[line 285]: '  hours_per_estimate = 1\n'
	[line 287]: '  # Default work for an unestimated task, same units as estimate  (default: 4.0).\n'
	[line 288]: '  default_estimate = 4.0\n'
	[line 290]: '  # How much work may be remaining when a task goes over estimate, same units as estimate (default: 0.0)..\n'
	[line 291]: '  estimate_pad = 0.0\n'
	[line 294]: '  option.formats = day|week|month|quarter\n'
	[line 295]: '  option.format = month\n'
	[line 296]: "  ## How and which 'columns' to show\n"
	[line 297]: '  option.lwidth = 300\n'
	[line 298]: '  option.res = 0\n'
	[line 299]: '  option.dur = 0\n'
	[line 300]: '  option.comp = 0\n'
	[line 301]: '  option.startDate = 0\n'
	[line 302]: '  option.endDate = 1\n'
	[line 303]: '  option.dateDisplay = yyyy-mm-dd\n'
	[line 304]: '  ## How and what to show on Gantt graph\n'
	[line 305]: '  option.showdep = 1\n'
	[line 306]: '  option.expandClosedTickets = 1\n'
	[line 307]: '  option.schedule = asap\n'
	[line 308]: '  option.openLevel = 0\n'
	[line 309]: '  option.colorBy = priority\n'
	[line 310]: '  option.userMap = 0\n'
	[line 311]: '  option.omitMilestone = 0\n'
	[line 312]: '  option.caption = Resource\n'
	[line 313]: '  option.hoursPerDay = 8.0\n'

Installation manual I got from

I can't understand what's wrong and I hope that somebody can explain it to me.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by tsmelyanskiy@…

I deleted everything from trac.ini and Trac began work correctly, but I got "ProgrammingError: You cannot execute SELECT statements in executemany()." Every time then I'm trying modify ticket. But the Trac accepts my changes.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Jun Omae

Description: modified (diff)
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.