Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#5318 closed enhancement

Unable to specify the width of input or textarea in a TRAC Form — at Initial Version

Reported by: anh@… Owned by: Rich Harkins
Priority: normal Component: TracFormsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: text input size documentation
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


I'm attempting to create a form that would allow us to generically define tasks associated with a ticket and mark them off when completed. TRACForms seems like it would be very useful in this capacity. However, one annoying thing is that I can't seem to specify the width of the input or textarea boxes. Is there a way to do this?

Here is an example form that we would want to include in a ticket. The idea is that we could type in individual tasks for the form and then the engineering team could check off tasks as they are completed.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

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