
Autocomplete user fields (assigned to and CC) on tickets


This plugin allows autocompletion of users for the owner, reporter and CC fields on new and existing tickets. Currently, all the known users are autocompleted, though this could be restricted to those that have the ticket owner permission.

In addition to fields on new and existing tickets, the following fields are also autocompleted:

  • User and group fields on the admin Permissions page.
  • Ticket custom fields.
  • User field on the admin Components page (forthcoming).

illustration of the AutocompleteUsers on the CC field

Note: Email addresses shown by this plugin are handled according to the setting trac.show_email_addresses and the permission EMAIL_VIEW. That is, if trac.show_email_addresses is set to false and the current user doesn't have the permission EMAIL_VIEW, then all mail addresses will be obfuscated as usual in Trac. That is, email addresses will be displayed as donjaun@... rather than In all other cases the full email address is visible.

This autocomplete feature is implemented using AJAX. A /subjects URL is served which presents the users and/or groups in a format suitable for the jQuery Autocompleter. The plugin should gracefully degrade when JavaScript is disabled.

See also: WikiAutoCompletePlugin

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AutocompleteUsersPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


38 / 42


13 / 18


9 / 9


Download the zipped source from here.

There is also a version on PyPi.


Check out AutocompleteUsersPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


You can install this plugin with the easy_install or pip command.

Install directly from repository:

$ easy_install

Install from PyPI:

$ pip install svn+

Note that only the released version appears on PyPI. If you need a development version you'll need to install from the repository.

After installing the plugin, add the following to your trac.ini file:

autocompleteusers.* = enabled


Activate user completion for custom fields using the following sample configuration:

fields = tester, reviewer
multi_fields = users

The multi_fields option allows autocompletion of multiple (comma-separated) values, and behaves like the CC field.

Recent Changes

18623 by jun66j5 on 2024-03-24 19:45:17
TracAutocompleteUsersPlugin 0.4.8dev: make compatible with Python 3
18104 by rjollos on 2021-03-26 20:34:23
TracAutocompleteUsersPlugin 0.4.8dev: Require Trac >= 1.0

Refs #13986.

18010 by rjollos on 2021-02-22 02:43:33
TracAutocompleteUsersPlugin: Bump version to 0.4.8

Refs #13960.



Author: k0s
Maintainer: Jun Omae
Contributors: tenzochris, Sebastian Krysmanski, mitar, manski, chrisheller, rjollos

Last modified 14 months ago Last modified on Jan 19, 2024, 8:37:53 PM

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip