
Version 1 (modified by Ryan J Ollos, 14 years ago) (diff)

Import of page from ExoWeb's site.

CodeReview Plugin Tutorial

Why code review

Code review is a basic mechanism for validating the design and implementation. It also helps us maintain a level of consistency in design and implementation practices across the many developers, especially within distributed work environment.

Code review has two purposes. Their first purpose is to make sure that the code that is being produced has sufficient quality to be released. In other words, it's the acid test for whether the code should be promoted to the next step in the process. Code reviews are very effective at finding errors of all types, including those caused by poor structure, those that don't match business process, and also those simple omissions. That's why they are an effective litmus test for the quality of the code. The second purpose is as a teaching tool to help developers learn when and how to apply techniques to improve code quality, consistency, and maintainability. Through thoughtfully evaluating code on a recurring basis, developers have the opportunity to learn different and potentially better ways of coding.

Why CodeReview Plugin

CodeReview plugin is a Trac plugin to facilitate code review with more automation and fun. CodeReview plugin follows the philosophy of Trac, imposing as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies. A code review is just comments of WiKi format on a commit. Thanks the power of Trac WiKi, which is really quick and productive. Developers can add as many comments on committed code as possible if they like. CodeReview also provides email notification so that they could get valuable feedback from others once code review is completed.

The following sections will show you how to use CodeReview efficiently. Let's assume that Trac has been installed to http://localhost/trac, and also CodeReview has been installed and configured. If not, please refer to README under top directory of CodeReview plugin.

Getting Started

It's easy and simple to create a new code review. Open the web page (http://localhost/trac/CodeReview) using your favourate browser, and you will see that all the commits are listed in the section, "Awaiting code review", in which each line in this section contains the information of the commit, click-able id, date, click-able "New", comment, path. To create a new code review, just click "New" :-) Each code review is just WiKi, and you can edit it as you like. We usually choose the following format

== somebody 1 ==
bla bla bla bla

== somebody 2 ==
bla bla bla bla

CodeReviewPlugin also provides "Preview" and "Attach File", for better code review experience.

Once you create a code review and edit something, you can set it to the status of "Undergoing review", "Completely reviewed" or "No need to review" depending on the process rule of your team. Once the code review is set to either of the latter two kinds status, the commit line in CodeReview main page will be moved to "CompletelyReviewed" page; or the commit will move up to the section of "Undergoing review" in CodeReview main page, so that others can continue to add or edit this code review.

To facilitate reviewing small trivial commits and bad commits, CodeReview provides two quick buttons on the bottom of CodeReview main page, "No need to review" and "Set to critical". You can select multiple commits and set them to either of these two states.

Email Notification

Automated email notification is definitely necessary, so that developers needn't stop work on hand to search and check code reviews. Usage is transparent, once notification is properly configured. Email notification depends on notification section of trac.ini in your Trac instance. Once configured properly, developers will get the feedback from others after code review is completed. Administrator can also set teamlist field in http://localhost/trac/CodeReviewManager, so that all the team members could be notified.