
Version 125 (modified by Alec Thomas, 18 years ago) (diff)



Welcome to Trac Hacks

The purpose of TracHacks is to provide free Subversion hosting for community created Trac hacks.

TracHacks uses the excellent TagsPlugin, which adds basic categorisation to Trac. All hacks are tagged with one or more of the available tags?.

How to Contribute

I've tried to make this as simple as possible:

  1. Register a user name then login (requires cookies).
  2. Fill out the NewHack form.
  3. Verify all the details for your new page are correct.
  4. Commit your code to the provided Subversion URL
    (alternatively you can simply attach your hack to your Wiki page, ala MacroBazaar, but remember that you can't delete or replace attachments)
  5. Have a look at TracHackDevelopment.

The TracHacks page contains more information, contact details, bug reports, enhancements, suggestions, etc.

I host my own hack elsewhere

Feel free to create a stub page here with a short description and links to your own hack. Please stick to the page naming convention, by appending the hack type.

eg. The DoStuff macro would be DoStuffMacro.

Once you have created your page, tag it with the hack type and it will appear on the front page. Tag it with your TracHacks user id if you want it to show up on your user page.

How do I install these things?

Refer to the Trac plugin documentation and the MacroBazaar for details on how to build and install plugins and macros, respectively. For other types please refer to the page of the hack you are installing for instructions.


Can't find what you want here or in the MacroBazaar? Request-a-hack and somebody might help you out.

Bored? Got too much time on your hands? Take a look at the outstanding request-a-hacks and see if anything takes your fancy.

Vote for a Request-a-Hack

Poll(Which hack would you most like to see implemented?; [ticket:11 Structured comments suggestions]; [ticket:47 Extended Wiki formatting]; ~~[ticket:67 Blog system as trac plugin]~~; [ticket:76 Export of wiki-Pages to one PDF-Document]; [ticket:81 FIT tests in tickets]; [ticket:107 tracwiki2msword ?]; [ticket:112 use rss for import of tickets from remote sites];[ticket:116 a command line tool for (remotely) automating the tracwiki editing])?




Using the GeneralLinkSyntaxPlugin, I have added several shortcuts for commonly used links: download:hackname, google:search, trac:wikipage, trac-changeset:changeset and trac-ticket:ticket.

Registered users of TracHacks.

Hacks for Trac 0.8?, 0.9? and 0.10.

Example? hacks.

Adhering to the principle that one should eat one's own dog food, the following hacks are used on TracHacks:
AccountManagerPlugin, AddCommentMacro, WikiGoodiesPlugin, FootNoteMacro, PollMacro, RefMacro, TocMacro, TracHacksPlugin and XmlRpcPlugin.

Tag Cloud

The tag cloud is a visual representation of tag frequency, similar to a histogram.

I'm linking to the tag index to reduce system load.