Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#13300 closed defect

Submit form ended to 'expected string or buffer' — at Initial Version

Reported by: ntmlod Owned by: asic_druide
Priority: normal Component: WikiFormsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 1.0


I have edit my form several times because in the beginning I wasn't not sure if I had followed the good method to implement it (more than one {{{#!WikiForms }}} in the page, issue with void value at submission).

I have simplified my initial form in order for testing.

<tf>submit:label='Record your changes'</tf>
<tf>select:1_arch:'' 'select 1' 'select 2'</tf>
''<tf>when:1_revision</tf>'' \\by __<tf>who:1_revision</tf>__
<tf>select:2_arch:'' 'select 1' 'select 2'</tf>
''<tf>when:2_revision</tf>'' \\by __<tf>who:2_revision</tf>__

When I submit some fake values, I get the error message on /wikiforms/update but regarding the database the process seems to have crashed in the line 2 with missing records.

I have nothing in the Trac log and I assume the message comes from the Apache server because the pattern is unusual.

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