Trac Hacks
TracHacks uses TagsPlugin to add basic categorisation to its Trac content. All hacks are tagged with one or more of the available tags .
How do I install these things?
Refer to the Trac plugin documentation for details on how to build and install plugins and macros, respectively. For other types please refer to the page of the hack you are installing for instructions.
If you're curious or seeking an opportunity to help, have a look at the RequestaHack page for features that people request.
Can't find what you are looking for?
Additional Trac Hacks can be found on the GitHub organization page and PyPI .
See TracHackDevelopment for some guidance on how to do it on your own.
Integrating Trac with 3rd party applications
AndroidClientIntegration : Trac client for Android (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , android , apache-license , client , external , mfvloon , plugin )
AnjLabSyncItPlugin : Outlook task management integration (tags: anyrelease , external , mit-license , outlook , plugin , sync , windows )
AstuteSvcIntegration : Generic Windows Service Installer (tags: LloydFernandes , anyrelease , nolicense , script , service , windows )
ClientsPlugin : External clients support for Trac tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , coling , mit-license , multi-projects , plugin , tracking )
FulmoIntegration : Easy ticket creation with an annotated screenshot (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , jun66j5 , ticket )
GoogleAnalyticsIntegration : Integrate Google Analytics into Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , analytics , astei , bsd-license , pypi )
HudsonTracPlugin : Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , bsd-license , build , hudson , i18n , jenkins , plugin , roadrunner , stoecker )
IrkerPlugin : Announce Trac changes to IRC via Irker (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , irc , notification , ticket )
RemoteTicketConditionalCreatePlugin : Create tickets to a remote Trac installation (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , plugin , ticket , xmlrpc , zshahan )
SlackIntegration : Announce Trac changes to Slack service (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , notification , plugin , slack , ticket , wagner.pinheiro , webhook )
TicketImportPlugin : Import or update tickets in batch from an Excel or CSV file into Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , csv , excel , farialima , import , jun66j5 , plugin , ticket )
TracBuildbotIntegration : Integrate the Buildbot continuous integration server into Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , alpha , build , buildbot , etienne , gpl-license , plugin , testing )
TracJenkinsPlugin : Integrate the Jenkins build service into Trac (tags: 1.0 , Wertilq , alpha , bsd-license , build , jenkins , needsadoption , plugin )
TracPygit2Plugin : Pygit2 integration for Git repository on Trac 0.12+ (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , git , jun66j5 , plugin , versioncontrol )
TracRackAndPin : Authenticate user based on Rack&Pin production membership (tags: 1.2 , auth , bsd-license , external , github-hosted )
VsTracIntegration : Integrate Trac with Visual Studio and TortoiseSVN (tags: anyrelease , client , external , gpl-license , mika , tortoisesvn , visualstudio , vs , vs2005 , vs2008 )
WebSequenceDiagramPlugin : Render UML diagrams on Trac wiki and ticket pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , CarlGould , bsd-license , diagram , plugin , sequencediagram , uml )
WikiOutputStreamPlugin : Publish output directly into Trac (tags: aldrinleal , anyrelease , apache-license , cruisecontrol , external , junit , plugin , wiki )
WinSvnHooksIntegration : Windows SVN Hook Integration (tags: LloydFernandes , anyrelease , nolicense , simple , subversion , svn , windows )
Macros are simple enhancements to Trac's Wiki engine. Examples include SubWiki, TOC, FootNote, etc.
AdvParseArgsPlugin : Advanced Argument Parser for WikiMacros (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , martin_s , plugin , pypi )
AllAttachmentsMacro : List attachments from Trac site (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , attachment , creativecommons-license , daan , external , github-hosted , mitar , pypi , wiki )
BackLinksMacro : Add a list of referring pages to your page (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , backlink , gpl-license , needsadoption , pypi , trapanator )
CardsPlugin : Sorting cards in stacks (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , agile , bsd-license , cards , dashboard , kanban , management , planning , plugin , psuter , python3 , whiteboard )
ChangeLogMacro : List changelog entries from repository (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , pypi , rjollos )
CiteCodeMacro : Cite code in wiki pages and tickets (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , deprecated , tkob-trac )
CodeExampleMacro : Code example box with syntax highlighting (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , codebox , lgpl-license , nuald , pygments )
CollapsiblePlugin : Embed foldable structures in wiki pages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , apache-license , codingking , fold , processor , stoecker , wiki )
ColorMacro : Color foreground and background of text (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , color , deprecated , diroussel , mit-license )
ComponentsProcessorMacro : List project components with descriptions (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , TerryBrown , component , nolicense , wiki )
CsvMacro : Display CSV data in a table (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , needsadoption )
DiaVisViewPlugin : Render dia and vdx files (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , needsadoption , robert_martin )
DownloadsPlugin : Adds a downloads section to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , Blackhex , download , gpl-license , plugin , rjollos , ttressieres )
EasyPollMacro : Add polls and voting functionality to wiki pages and tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , chart , css , form , itspanky , mysql , permissions , sql , statistics , ticket , vote , wiki )
EmailProcessorMacro : Wrap text blocks to specified width (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , pacopablo , processor )
FlatTableMacro : Display a table with the markup from data entered in a flat form (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , ashkulz , bsd-license , table )
FoldMacroProcessorMacro : Add foldable sections (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , fold , processor , psuter )
FootNoteMacro : Add footnotes to wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , coderanger , rjollos )
GenshiMacro : Render Genshi templates directly in wiki pages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , deprecated , ejucovy , external , genshi , github-hosted , wiki )
GoogleStaticMapMacro : Insert a static Google Map as an image (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , google , gpl-license , map , martin_s , picture , pypi )
IncludeAttachmentMacro : Display the text of an attachment (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , attachment , bsd-license , include , jesrui , wiki )
IncludeMacro : Include external resources in a wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , pypi , rjollos )
IniGetMacro : Display option values for trac.ini (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , dwclifton , wiki )
JqChartMacro : Add JQPlot charts to wiki pages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , analytics , bsd-license , chart , gpablo , graph )
LastModifiedMacro : Show last modification date of wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , HorsePunchKid , bsd-license , needsadoption , wiki )
LatexFormulaMacro : Render Latex formula to image (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , LaTeX , math , needsadoption , nolicense , unsupported )
LatexMacro : LateX support in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , LaTeX , gpl-license , jeangui , math , needsadoption , wiki )
LinenoMacro : Prints code listings with line numbers (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , adamansky , apache-license , deprecated )
MacroChainMacro : Chain multiple macros and processors (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , roadrunner , wiki )
MarkdownMacro : Markdown WikiProcessor Macro Implementation (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , dwclifton , markdown , processor , pypi , syntax , wiki )
MediaWikiPluginMacro : MediaWiki language processor (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , mediawiki , needsadoption , nolicense , permon , wiki )
MermaidMacro : Render mermaid diagrams in wiki pages (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , diagram , gantt , graph , mermaid , tkob-trac )
MilestoneQueryMacro : Display a list of matching milestones (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , milestone , needsadoption , nicferrier , nolicense , query )
MindMapMacro : Draw mind maps using wiki list syntax (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , flash , gpl-license , graph , martin_s , mindmap , pypi )
MovieMacro : Embed movies into Trac tickets or wiki pages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , apache-license , lcordier , needsadoption , pypi , t2y )
NewsFlashMacro : Display a colored box (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , pypi )
NikoCaleMacro : Create a Niko Niko calendar (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , needsadoption , yattom )
NoteBoxMacro : Note boxes with icons (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , gruenebe )
OhlohBadgeMacro : Show Ohloh project thin badge (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , pypi , wiki )
PageTicketsMacro : Show tickets mentioned on wiki page (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , lucid , ticket , ticketquery , wiki )
PageVariableMacro : Declare and use variables in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , mit-license , needsadoption , pmonnaie , wiki )
ParameterizedIncludeMacro : Include wiki pages in each other with parameter substitution (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , chead , wiki )
PerlPodMacro : Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation) wiki processor (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , documentation , nolicense , processor , sfandino )
PlantUmlMacro : Render PlantUML diagrams in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , airadier , bsd-license , diagram , graph , image , pypi , rjollos , uml , wiki )
PollMacro : Create polls based on tickets or static arguments (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , athomas , bsd-license )
ScrippetMacro : Add Fountain / Scrippets markup to wiki pages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , netjunki , processor )
ShowWhenMacro : Show content When specified time range (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.4 , matobaa , mit-license )
SpoilerMacro : Add a "Spoiler!" button around textual content (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , fold , netjunki )
SqlAlchemyQueryMacro : Execute an SQL query from within Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , fvdberg , sql , sqlalchemy )
SqlQueryMacro : Execute an SQL Query from within Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , JamesMills , bsd-license , needsadoption , sql )
StatusHistoryChartMacro : Plot a graph of a ticket's field change history (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , chart , matobaa , milestone , ticket )
TicketBoxMacro : Ticket list in a box on the wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , gotoh , nolicense , ticket )
TicketCalendarPlugin : Ticket calendar as box calendar, list and macro in Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , bsd-license , calendar , i18n , jun66j5 , plugin , ticket )
TicketChartsMacro : Display ticket statistics charts (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , aviram , chart , deprecated , graph , needsadoption , nolicense , statistics , ticket , wiki )
TocMacro : Display Table of Contents (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , cboos , coderanger , jouvin , osimons , plugin )
TracImageSvgMacro : Display SVG image on Trac pages (tags: 0.11 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , richard )
TracJsGanttPlugin : Display a jsGantt chart in a wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , ChrisNelson , bsd-license , calendar , gantt , plugin , ticket )
TracXsdPlotMacro : Produce graphical images of the structure of XML Schema files (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , svg , thenor , xsd )
TracYetAnotherChartMacro : Create bar/line/pie charts of query results (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , chart , graph , javascript , plotly , query , report , risky , sql , thenor , ugly )
TranslatedPagesMacro : Show translated versions of wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , bsd-license , dottedmag , ftofficer , i18n , plugin , stoecker , wiki )
UpcomingMilestonesChartMacro : Chart of upcoming milestones macro (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , chart , falkb , milestone , multi-projects , overview , planning , roadmap )
UserStatsMacro : Display user login stats (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , gpl-license , needsadoption , pedro , statistics )
VcsReleaseInfoMacro : Display Version Control Software Release Information (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , glen )
WantedPagesMacro : List of non-existent wiki pages that are linked to (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , glinders , jfrancis , pypi , wiki )
WikiCalendarMacro : Small calendar with days linking to wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , calendar , hasienda , mgood , needsadoption )
WikiExtrasPlugin : Wiki Extras for Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , cboos , character , color , image , mrelbe , news , picture , plugin , pypi , visual , wiki )
WikinfoPlugin : Display metadata information on wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , plugin , rede )
WikiReportMacro : Insert a Trac report into a wiki page (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , report , roandbox , wiki )
WikiTableMacro : Display a table in a wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , optilude , sql , wiki )
WikiTicketCalendarMacro : Calendar view of Milestones and Tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , hasienda , mcomb )
XsltMacro : XSL-Transformation Macro (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , roadrunner , xslt )
Modifications to the Trac source in the form of patches. This can include simple changes to templates, patches to the Python code,etc.
OneRepoManyTracSitesPatch : One Repository Commit Can Update Tickets From Multiple Trac Sites (tags: 1.0 , mit-license , multi-projects , wrightnn )
SubProjectsPatch : Add sub projects to your Trac environment (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , alpha , hierarchy , multi-projects , nolicense , progrium )
TrueHttpLogoutPatch : True logout mechanism for Basic/Digest Authentication (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , anyrelease , flox , kriggs , nolicense , sgorilla )
Refer to the Trac documentation for installation instructions.
AccountManagerPlugin : Manage Trac user accounts (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , AccountManager , authentication , babel , bsd-license , hasienda , i18n , mgood , pacopablo , pypi , rjollos )
AccreditationPlugin : Support for accreditation of a ticket (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , accreditation , bsd-license , cauly , review )
AcronymsPlugin : Auto-generated acronyms from a table in a Wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , acronym , athomas , bsd-license )
AddHeadersPlugin : Add HTML Headers to Trac pages in a simple way (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , javascript , link , martin_s , meta , projectadmin , pypi , tags )
AdminEnumListPlugin : Admin Enumeration List Plugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , jun66j5 , nonplus , rjollos )
AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin : Advanced Ticket Workflow (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , needsadoption , pypi , retracile , workflow )
AdvParseArgsPlugin : Advanced Argument Parser for WikiMacros (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , macro , martin_s , pypi )
AndroidClientIntegration : Trac client for Android (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , android , apache-license , client , external , integration , mfvloon )
AnjLabSyncItPlugin : Outlook task management integration (tags: anyrelease , external , integration , mit-license , outlook , sync , windows )
AnnouncerPlugin : Flexible notifications for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , beta , bsd-license , doki_pen , email , hasienda , ixokai , needsadoption , notifications , rjollos , slestak )
ArchiveViewerPlugin : Browse contents in zipfile (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , archive , attachment , bsd-license , deflate , matobaa , repository , zip )
AttachmentNotifyPlugin : Trac Attachment Notify Plugin (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , external , gasolwu )
AttachmentPolicyPlugin : Adds permission to delete attachments (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , attachment , bsd-license , framay , permission , permissions )
AutocompleteUsersPlugin : Autocomplete user fields (assigned to and CC) on tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , TOPP , autocomplete , bsd-license , javascript , jun66j5 , k0s , mitar , pypi , rjollos , t2y )
AutoPagerizePlugin : Enables AutoPagerize extension (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , matobaa )
AutoWikifyPlugin : Automatically creates links for all known Wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , athomas , bsd-license )
AwesomeAttachmentsPlugin : Simplify adding attachments to tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , attachment , bsd-license , dan , needsadoption )
BacklogPlugin : Manage and prioritize workloads (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , agile , backlog , bart , bsd-license , jquery , unfinished )
BasicOfficePreviewPlugin : Basic preview of Word, Excel and PowerPoint attachments (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , docx , excel , office , powerpoint , ppx , preview , psuter , python3 , word , xlsx )
BlackMagicTicketTweaksPlugin : Functions to alter Ticket form behaviour and Ticket Permissions (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , deprecated , fields , forms , hide , permission , permissions , ticket , tooltip )
BookmarkPlugin : Bookmark Trac resources (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , jun66j5 , private , pypi , rjollos , saigon )
BreadCrumbsNavPlugin : Recently visited pages as navigational bread crumbs (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , breadcrumbs , bsd-license , hasienda , ixokai , navigation , needsadoption , ticket , wiki )
BudgetingPlugin : Add budgeting information to Tickets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , framay , management , pypi , timingandestimationplugin )
BzrPlugin : Bazaar VCS support (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , alpha , bzr , external , gpl-license , pypi , vcbackend , versioncontrol )
CannedResponsesPlugin : Respond with canned responses to new tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , needsadoption , permissions , rekkanoryo , ticket )
CardsPlugin : Sorting cards in stacks (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , agile , bsd-license , cards , dashboard , kanban , macro , management , planning , psuter , python3 , whiteboard )
CategorizedFieldsPlugin : Categorizing ticket fields in Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , cauly , github-hosted , web_ui )
CcSelectorPlugin : Improve selection of users to be cc-ed (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , gpl-license , hasienda , javascript , notifications , stoecker , vnaum )
ChildTicketsPlugin : Add pseudo child-tickets and a visual reference to these within a parent ticket (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , dependency , hierarchy , relations , subcomponent , ticket , walnut )
ClientsPlugin : External clients support for Trac tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , coling , integration , mit-license , multi-projects , tracking )
CodeReviewerPlugin : Lightweight code review of changesets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , codereview , pypi , robguttman )
CodeTagsPlugin : Add code tags (XXX
) to source code (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , external , giel , github-hosted , needsadoption )
ComponentDependencyPlugin : Allows a component to state dependencies on other plugins (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , component , k0s , needsadoption , pypi )
ComponentHierarchyPlugin : Add a hierarchy to the component field (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , component , falkb , hierarchy , pypi , thomasd , ticket )
CondFieldsGenshiPlugin : Conditionally display fields based on ticket type (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , field , fields , genshi , hide , ticket )
CondFieldsPlugin : Conditional fields for ticket types (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , deprecated )
ContactFormPlugin : Add contact form to Trac site (tags: 0.11 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , contact , email , feedback , form , manski , needsadoption , notifications , projectadmin )
ContactsPlugin : Integrate contacts list in Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , cmc , contact , email , management , mit-license )
ContextChromePlugin : Add context-aware styles to Trac page widgets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , css , matobaa , ticket )
CryptDataPlugin : Encrypt password data in your Trac wiki (tags: 1.0 , crypto , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , plang , rsa , security )
CryptoPlugin : Cryptography for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , hasienda , needsadoption )
CustomFieldAdminPlugin : Administer Custom Fields in Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , bsd-license , cbalan , osimons , ticket )
CustomTicketPrefixPlugin : Define custom ticket prefixes to link commit messages with Trac instances or group tickets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , ticket )
DashesSyntaxPlugin : Wiki Syntax for EN and EM Dashes (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , gpl-license , martin_s , pypi , wiki )
DataSaverPlugin : Prevent loss of unsaved form data (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , dataretention , gpl-license , hasienda , navigation , needsadoption , rharkins )
DateFieldPlugin : Add custom date fields to tickets and helps date selection (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , deprecated , doki_pen , rjollos )
DefaultCcPlugin : Default CC for new tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , component , jeangui , notification , pypi , rjollos , ticket )
DetailedViewPlugin : Show all tickets from a query on a single page (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , jaythomas , query , ticket )
DirectoryAuthPlugin : A LDAP / Active Directory password and permission store for the AccountManagerPlugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , accountmanager , activedirectory , ad , auth , bsd-license , ldap )
DiscussionPlugin : Add a discussion forum to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , Blackhex , application , athomas , forum , gpl-license , needsadoption , pypi )
DocRenderPlugin : Preview doc and xls files (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , excel , gpl-license , mimeview , powerpoint , preview , render , word )
DownloadsPlugin : Adds a downloads section to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , Blackhex , download , gpl-license , macro , rjollos , ttressieres )
DoxygenPlugin : Embed Doxygen-generated pages into Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Committo-Ergo-Sum , bsd-license , documentation , doxygen )
DropbearsPlugin : Aaaaaah! Dropbear attack! (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption )
DuplicateTicketSearchPlugin : Duplicate Ticket Search (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , duplicate , gregmac , jquery , pypi , rjollos , search , ticket )
DygraphsVisualizationPlugin : Create graphical reports using the Dygraphs charting library (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , ash , bsd-license , graph , report )
DynamicFieldsPlugin : Dynamically hide, default, copy, clear, validate, set ticket fields (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , fields , hasienda , hide , javascript , jquery , pypi , rjollos , robguttman , ticket , validation )
DynamicVariablesPlugin : Default and convert report dynamic variables to dropdowns (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , deprecated , javascript , jquery , report , report-plugin , robguttman )
EpochFieldPlugin : Epoch (unix time) field, timezone sensitive (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , epoch , field , matobaa , report , ticket , time )
EstimationToolsPlugin : Tools for visualizing and editing of effort estimations (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , agile , bsd-license , burndown , chart , estimation , hoessler , osimons , pypi )
EstimatorPlugin : Produce range-based estimations for tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bobbysmith007 , estimation , mit-license , planning , ticket )
ExcelDownloadPlugin : Download query output, reports and tickets as an Excel file (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , bsd-license , excel , export , jun66j5 , query , report , ticket )
ExcelXlstViewerPlugin : Viewer for Microsoft Excel XLST files (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , danrolls , download , excel , export , preview )
ExportImportXlsPlugin : Import / Export XLS spreadsheets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , ben_12 , excel , export , import , mit-license , ticket )
ExtendedVersionPlugin : Extending the concept of a 'version' in Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , hierarchy , mestudd , milestone , version )
ExternalLinksNewWindowPlugin : Open external links in new windows (XHTML conforming) (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , javascript , link , martin_s , pypi )
ExtractUrlPlugin : Extract URL from Trac wiki links in plugins and macros (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , link , martin_s , pypi )
FieldGroupsPlugin : Group sets of related fields together (tags: 1.0 , bphinz , bsd-license , fields , groups , tickets )
FieldOfTablePlugin : Custom ticket fields of tables (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , cauly , custom-field , table , ticket )
FieldTooltipPlugin : Provide Tooltip Help for ticket fields (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , matobaa , pypi , tooltip )
FineGrainedPageAuthzEditorPlugin : Editor for Fine Grained Authz Permissions File (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , accountmanager , authz , bsd-license , permissions , robert_martin )
FiveStarVotePlugin : Star rating system for wiki pages and tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , davglass , rating , vote )
FlexibleAssignToPlugin : Customize the 'assign to' field on tickets (tags: 0.11 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , deprecated , gt4329b , hooks )
FlexibleReporterNotificationPlugin : Control when notifications are sent to the reporter of a ticket (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , CStrac , bsd-license , deprecated , email , notifications )
ForcePreviewPlugin : Require users to preview ticket and wiki changes before submission (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , athomas , bsd-license , needsadoption )
FullBlogNotificationPlugin : Email Notifications for FullBlogPlugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , blog , fullblogplugin , gpl-license , trickie )
FullBlogPlugin : Add a self-contained blog to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , application , blog , bsd-license , osimons , pypi )
FullTextSearchPlugin : Perform Full Text Search on the command line (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , search , willmerae )
GanttCalendarPlugin : Ticket-based Gantt chart and calendar (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , babel , bsd-license , calendar , external , gantt , i18n , ticket )
GanttChartPlugin : Render Gantt charts in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , chart , gantt , malsmith , needsadoption , psf-license )
GitolitePlugin : Manage Gitolite repositories from Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , admin , bsd-license , ejucovy , external , git , github-hosted , permission , permissions , policy , pypi , repository , vcs , versioncontrol )
GlobalRegisterPlugin : Global registration plugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , account , accountmanager , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , mitar , registration )
GoogleMapMacro : Insert a dynamic Google Map into wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , map , martin_s , pypi )
GoogleSitemapPlugin : Google sitemap generator (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , datenimperator , gpl-license , martin_s , mitar , pypi )
GraphvizPlugin : Graphviz for dynamic generation of diagrams (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , cboos , graph , graphviz , pkropf , pypi )
GridModifyPlugin : Create grid of tickets to modify (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , abbywinterscom , bjornharrtell , bsd-license , javascript , report , ticket )
GringottsPlugin : Gringotts encryption for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , coling , encryption , gpl-license , wiki )
GroupBasedRedirectionPlugin : Redirects users after login based on his groups permission (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , daltonmatos , deprecated , external )
GroupingAssignToPlugin : Fill Assign-To by looking at permission groups (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bof , deprecated )
GroupTicketFieldsPlugin : Grouping ticket fields using different fieldsets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , field , fields , pypi , thomasd , ticket )
GuestbookPlugin : Guestbook component for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , Blackhex , contact , gpl-license , needsadoption )
HackergotchiPlugin : Adds user-specific icons to the timeline view (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , pypi )
HideFieldChangesPlugin : Hide field changes in ticket history (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , changes , field , hide , matobaa , ticket )
HideValsPlugin : Hide ticket field values (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , permissions , pypi , ticket )
HtGroupEditorPlugin : Manage user groups in configuration file (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , mitar , needsadoption , robert_martin )
HttpAuthPlugin : Force HTTP authentication from within Trac (tags: 0.11 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , authentication , bsd-license , coderanger , pypi , txcraig )
HudsonTracPlugin : Hudson and Jenkins integration into Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , bsd-license , build , hudson , i18n , integration , jenkins , roadrunner , stoecker )
ImageTracPlugin : Include a displayed image with a ticket upon ticket creation (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , TOPP , attachment , beta , gpl-license , image , k0s , needsadoption )
IncludeSourcePartialPlugin : Partial includes of files in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , chrisheller , deprecated , pypi , ttressieres , wiki )
InfoSnippetPlugin : Present a box with basic ticket and wiki-page information and copy it to clipboard (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , clemens , ticket )
IniAdminPlugin : Edit all trac.ini
options via the WebAdminPlugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , babel , bsd-license , i18n , jun66j5 )
JupyterNotebookPlugin : Preview Jupyter Notebooks (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , ipynb , ipython , jupyter , notebook , tkob-trac )
KeepInterfaceSimplePlugin : Dynamically show and hide fields and options, and enforce user-defined rules on commits (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , ash , gpl-license , interface , workflow )
KeywordReplacePlugin : Replace keywords with their associated values (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , helend , keywords , wiki )
KeywordSuggestPlugin : Autocomplete feature for the Keywords field (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , autocomplete , bsd-license , deprecated , keywords )
LDAPAcctMngrPlugin : LDAP Authentication for Account Manager (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , account , apache-license , authentication , c0redumb , ldap , manager )
LdapAuthStorePlugin : A password store for the AccountManagerPlugin using LDAP (tags: 1.0 , AccountManager , accountldap , authentication , bsd-license , igoltz , k0s , ldap , passwordstore )
LdapPlugin : LDAP extensions to grant group permissions (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , eblot , ldap , sylvain.delisle )
LogViewerPlugin : View the trac.log file via the web frontend (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , filter , gpl-license , izzy , log , projectadmin )
LogWatcherPlugin : Viewer for log files (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , framay , log )
LoomingCloudsPlugin : Display a tag cloud with a ticket (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , TOPP , bsd-license , k0s , keywords , needsadoption , tags )
MailArchivePlugin : Email archive for storing emails in Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , email , lucid , python3 )
MailPlugin : XMailPlugin allows to send periodically user-specific mails of new or changed tickets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , custom , email , framay , notification , notifications )
MasterTicketsPlugin : Add support for ticket dependencies to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , coderanger , dependency , graphviz , mitar , pypi , relations , rjollos , ticket )
MathCaptchaPlugin : A simple equation challenge used as a Captcha (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , captcha , robm )
MentionedTicketsPlugin : List all tickets mentioned in a ticket (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , psuter , ticket )
MenusPlugin : Hierarchical navigation menus (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , beta , bsd-license , cbalan , hierarchy , javascript , navigation , projectadmin , pypi )
MhsSuitePlugin : Mhs suite (tags: anyrelease , ghiboz , warehouse )
MilestoneTemplatePlugin : Use templates from the wiki when creating a new milestone (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , milestone , preview , roadmap )
MilnCheckboxPlugin : Miln Checkbox converts brackets into checkboxes (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , Graham_Miln , creativecommons-license , html , wiki )
MsSqlBackendPlugin : Microsoft SQL Server as a backend database (tags: 1.0 , alpha , bsd-license , matobaa , needsadoption )
MultipleWorkflowPlugin : Workflow based on ticket type (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , component , ermal , management , ticket , workflow )
MultiProjectBacklogPlugin : A backlog plugin supporting multiple projects (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , agile , backlog , bsd-license , multi-projects )
MultiProjectCommitTicketUpdaterPlugin : Multi-project version of the inbuilt commit_ticket_updater tool (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , fleeblewidget , multi-projects , repository , svn , tickets )
MultiRepoSearchPlugin : Full text search in multiple repositories (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , ejucovy , external , github-hosted , repository , search , vcs , versioncontrol )
MultiSelectFieldPlugin : Add support for a multiselection dropdown box as a custom field in a ticket (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , custom , field , multi , needsadoption , ollika )
MyPagePlugin : Personal page of the day for Trac (tags: 1.0 , cboos , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , wiki )
NavAddPlugin : Add custom items to main and meta navigation bar (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , deprecated , nav , navigation , otaku42 , rjollos )
NavigationDisplayPlugin : Display navigation menu as fixed menu or other navigation options (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , framay , navbar , navigation )
NeighborPagePlugin : Add Next / Previous wiki links (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , matobaa , navigation , wiki )
NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin : Never receive emails for tickets you change (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bobbysmith007 , deprecated )
NewTicketLikeThisPlugin : New Ticket Like This (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , ejucovy , external , github-hosted , ticket )
NumberedHeadlinesPlugin : Add numbering to headings (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , gpl-license , martin_s , pypi , wiki )
OdtExportPlugin : Export wiki pages as OpenDocument (ODT) (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , abompard , bsd-license , download , export , pdf , wiki , wikiexportplugin , xslt )
OnSiteNotificationsPlugin : Display on-site notifications (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , notification , notifications , psuter )
OpenIdConnectPlugin : OpenID Connect authentication for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , authentication , bsd-license , dairiki , external , github-hosted , pypi )
OpenSearchPlugin : Search via Browser's search bar, Windows Explorer or Office-IM E2010 (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , matobaa , search )
OverlayViewPlugin : Provides an overlay view to view attachments (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , attachment , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
PackageRepositoryPlugin : Package Repository (tags: 1.2 , bsd-license , packaging , psuter )
PandocPlugin : Preview docx files using Pandoc (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , docx , pandoc , preview , tkob-trac , word )
PdfImagePlugin : Display PDF or SVG images as PNG in wiki pages and tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , gpl-license , image , pdf , ursaw , wiki )
PdfPreviewPlugin : Preview PDF files (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , pdf , tkob-trac )
PdfRedirectorPlugin : Redirect to raw format for PDF attachments (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , download , gpl-license , needsadoption , nicholasbs , pdf , redirect )
PeerReviewPlugin : Distributed Peer Review of Source Code (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , code , codereview , git , olemis , review , svn , yudivian )
PencilPreviewPlugin : Preview Evolus Pencil files (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , lucid , preview )
PendingTicketPlugin : Support for Pending Tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , datallah , pypi , ticket )
PerlPodPlugin : Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation) Preview (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , documentation , perl , pod , tkob-trac )
PermRedirectPlugin : Redirect users to the login screen on PermissionError (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , coderanger , ejucovy , pypi )
PhpBbAuthPlugin : phpBB Authentication with AccountManagerPlugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , accountmanager , authentication , mit-license , needsadoption , pacopablo , passwordstore )
PrivateCommentPlugin : Add Private Comments (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , mhenke , permission , permissions , private , rjollos , ticket )
PrivateReportsPlugin : Add permissions to restrict access to individual reports (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , hide , mhenke , permission , private , pypi , report , report-plugin , rjollos )
PrivateTicketsPlugin : User specific ticket permissions (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , permissions , private , pypi , rjollos , sensitive , ticket )
PrivateWikiPlugin : Restrict access to sections of the Wiki (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , eric256 , natewlew , permissions , private , rjollos , sensitive , wiki )
ProjectMenuPlugin : Quick navigation menu for a multi-project setup (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , multi-projects , needsadoption , pypi )
ProjectPlanPlugin : Project Plan with automatic visualizations of the tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , anbo , dependency , estimation , gpl-license , graph , graphviz , makadev , management , needsadoption , planning , project )
PullRequestsPlugin : Track the status of code repository pull requests (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , git , lucid , pull-request , python3 , repository )
QueryUiAssistPlugin : Toggle custom query filter checkbox sets by clicking on label (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , deprecated , matobaa )
QueuesPlugin : Manage ticket queues via drag-and-drop (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , javascript , jquery , needsadoption , report , robguttman )
QuietPlugin : Disable email notifications (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , announcer , bsd-license , email , filter , needsadoption , notification , pypi , robguttman )
ReadmePlugin : Display README files, especially Markdown, in Browse Source (tags: 1.0 , Southen , bsd-license , docs , external , github-hosted , markdown , repository )
RemoteTicketConditionalCreatePlugin : Create tickets to a remote Trac installation (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , integration , ticket , xmlrpc , zshahan )
RevtreePlugin : Revision Graph for the Version Control Browser (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , beta , bsd-license , eblot , graph , sylvain.delisle )
RoadmapHoursPlugin : Show estimated and actual hours in roadmap and milestone progress bars (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , JoshuaH , bsd-license , estimation , milestone , needsadoption , planning , time , timing , timingandestimationplugin )
RoadmapPlugin : Sorts roadmap in descending order and adds a filter input field (tags: 0.12 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , beerware-license , filter , framay , milestone , roadmap )
RobotsTxtPlugin : Robots.txt handler (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , pypi )
ScreenshotsPlugin : Manage images and screenshots in Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , Blackhex , beta , gallery , gpl-license , hasienda , needsadoption , screenshots )
SearchAllPlugin : Search in multiple Trac projects (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , airadier , gpl-license , multi-projects )
SearchAttachmentsPlugin : SEarch wiki and ticket ATtachments (SEAT) (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , attachment , bsd-license , deltroo , needsadoption , search )
SectionEditPlugin : Edit a single wiki section (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , cbalan , wiki )
SecurePluginPanelPlugin : Secure Plugin Panel (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , manski )
SelfDeletePlugin : Delete wiki pages and attachments you created (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.4 , attachment , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , permissions , pypi )
SensitiveTicketsPlugin : Hide sensitive tickets with a checkbox (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , TOPP , dkgdkg , gpl-license , k0s , needsadoption , permissions , private , pypi , sbenthall , sensitive , ticket )
ServerSideRedirectPlugin : Server Side Redirect from a Wiki Page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , gpl-license , martin_s , pypi , redirect )
SharedCookieAuthPlugin : Share Trac cookies between projects in the same directory (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , agitronic , auth , gpl-license , k0s )
ShortcutIconPlugin : Set any server file as shortcut icon, including handler for favicon (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , link , martin_s , pypi )
SimpleMultiProjectPlugin : Manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , crossroad , falkb , milestone , multi-projects , no-Genshi , project , pypi , roadmap , thomasd )
SimpleTicketPlugin : Hide fields from ticket entry form (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , coderanger , fields , needsadoption , ticket )
SiteSaciaFomePlugin : Site Sacia Fome (tags: 1.2 , maxdias )
SiteUploadPlugin : Upload files to the Trac site directory (tags: 0.11 , 1.2 , bsd-license , needsadoption , pacopablo )
SlackIntegration : Announce Trac changes to Slack service (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , integration , notification , slack , ticket , wagner.pinheiro , webhook )
SlideShowPlugin : Convert content of wiki pages to S5 Slideshows (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , athomas , bsd-license , needsadoption , slideshow )
SnapshotPlugin : Store report and query result to wiki as a static snapshot (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , matobaa , query , report , wiki )
SpamFilterPlugin : Spam filtering plugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , captcha , external , spam , stoecker )
StractisticsPlugin : Repository, ticket and wiki statistics (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , dagomez , deprecated , flash , statistics , ttressieres )
SubcomponentsPlugin : Trac Subcomponents (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , boonekamp , external , github-hosted , mit-license , query , subcomponent , tickets )
SubticketsPlugin : Subtickets support for Trac tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , babel , bsd-license , dependency , external , github-hosted , hasienda , hierarchy , ticket )
SumFieldsPlugin : Sums specified fields in custom queries (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , agile , bsd-license , javascript , jquery , robguttman )
SvnAuthzAdminPlugin : Authz File Administration (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , auth , gpl-license , kisg , rjollos , subversion , svn )
SvnCliRemotePlugin : Subversion connector for remote and local repositories using the svn command line client (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , repository , svn )
SvnMultiUrlsPlugin : Show SVN URL s for multiple repositories links in browser (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , link , links , multi-projects , podskalsky , svn )
TablePlugin : Create tables with custom styling (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , css , jonny , table )
TableSorterPlugin : Sort tables by clicking on headings (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , psuter , wiki )
TagPublicPlugin : Publish public pages using tags (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , deprecated , roh )
TagsPlugin : A Tagging System for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , babel , bsd-license , hasienda , i18n , muness , needsadoption , otaku42 , pypi , rjollos , tags )
TeamCalendarPlugin : Team availability calendar (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , ChrisNelson , bsd-license , calendar , projectadmin , tracking )
TestManagerForTracPlugin : A full test management life-cycle plugin for Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.4 , api , bsd-license , custom , external , management , pypi , seccanj , testcase , testing , workflow , xmlrpc )
TextareaKeyBindingsPlugin : Keybindings for textarea controls (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , accesskey , bsd-license , editor , keybindings , keyboard , lucid , python3 , shortcut , wiki )
ThemeEnginePlugin : Modular styles manager for Trac installations (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , olemis , pypi , theme )
TicketCalendarPlugin : Ticket calendar as box calendar, list and macro in Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , bsd-license , calendar , i18n , jun66j5 , macro , ticket )
TicketCreateButtonsPlugin : Create new tickets from an existing ticket (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , ChrisNelson , bsd-license , ticket )
TicketDependencyPlugin : Add support for (directed) dependencies between Trac tickets (tags: 1.2 , cross-reference , dlutz , external , github-hosted , ticket )
TicketFieldFilterPlugin : Filter ticket fields depending on ticket type and user permissions (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , fields , ticket )
TicketFieldsPlugin : Filter custom fields on a per-ticket basis (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bphinz , bsd-license , fields , filter , template , tickets )
TicketGuidelinesPlugin : Display guidelines for entering new tickets or modifying tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , manski , needsadoption , project , projectadmin , pypi , ticket , wiki )
TicketImportPlugin : Import or update tickets in batch from an Excel or CSV file into Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , csv , excel , farialima , import , integration , jun66j5 , ticket )
TicketLastCommentJumpPlugin : Add link to last comment in the ticket (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , link , ticket , wadatka )
TicketModifiedFilesPlugin : Listing modified files per ticket in Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , e2jk , needsadoption , ticket )
TicketMoverPlugin : Move Trac tickets from one project to another (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , k0s , multi-projects , needsadoption , nolicense , ticket )
TicketReminderPlugin : Send reminders to owners and subscribers of tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , admin , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , mitar , notification , notifications , pypi , reminder , ticket , tickets )
TicketsBoardPlugin : Whiteboard vision of ongoing tickets (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , cards , jpsave , kanban , mit-license , tickets , ticketsboard , whiteboard )
TicketStencilPlugin : Prepopulate the description of a new ticket (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , tkob-trac )
TicketTeamDispatcherPlugin : Ticket Team Dispatcher (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , email , field , gpl-license , needsadoption , sinnvoller , ticket )
TicketValidatorPlugin : Ticket Validator (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , needsadoption , superafroman , ticket , validation )
TimelineComponentFilterPlugin : Filter Timeline Tickets by Component (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , needsadoption , nolicense , pdoup , timeline )
TimeTrackingPlugin : Time estimation and tracking (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , estimation , lucid , management , planning , plotly , python3 , time , timing , tracking )
TimingAndEstimationPlugin : Estimation and Time Tracking (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bobbysmith007 , estimation , mit-license , planning , time , timing )
TocMacro : Display Table of Contents (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , cboos , coderanger , jouvin , macro , osimons )
TracAsciidoctorPlugin : Trac Renderer for Asciidoc pages using Asciidoctor (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , sto )
TracBackLinkPlugin : Back link feature in Trac ( trac:#611 ) (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , backlink , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
TracBacklogPlugin : Manage a Trac ticket backlog (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , agile , backlog , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , jszakmeiser , thenor )
TracBacksPlugin : Backlinks for tickets in comment history (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , backlink , bsd-license , ejucovy , mchua , ticket )
TracBibPlugin : Add bibliographic references to wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , Amfortas , LaTeX , bibtex , citation , cite , gpl-license , wiki )
TracBuildbotIntegration : Integrate the Buildbot continuous integration server into Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , alpha , build , buildbot , etienne , gpl-license , integration , testing )
TracCaptchaPlugin : Embed captcha in Trac ticket pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , captcha , external , felix_schwarz , mit-license , pypi , recaptcha , spam , ticket )
TracChangeFileBiffPlugin : Provides a feature like Biff for file in repository (tags: 1.0 , apache-license , biff , external , needsadoption , notification , pypi , t2y , ticket , tickets )
TracComponentAliasPlugin : Set aliases for Trac components (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , component , zshahan )
TracConfigurablePermissionPlugin : Configure permissions on tickets and wiki pages (tags: 1.2 , 1.4 , cauly , external , github-hosted , permission , ticket , wiki )
TracCronPlugin : Trac task scheduler, recurring tasks (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , admin , bsd-license , cron , needsadoption , planning , pypi , scheduler , t2y , tbressure )
TracDbftsPlugin : Provide search feature using database fulltext index (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , jun66j5 , search )
TracDeveloperPlugin : A plugin to aid in the development of Trac plugins (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , cmlenz , needsadoption , olemis )
TracDragDropPlugin : Drag-and-Drop attachments in Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , attachment , babel , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
TracDupPlugin : Synchronise master-child tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , duplicate , relations , thomasvs , ticket )
TracFlexibleQueryUiPlugin : Make columns in custom query sortable and able to add and remove columns without submitting form ( t:#7026 ) (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , jun66j5 , query )
TracFormsPlugin : Add forms for ticket description and wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , forms , gpl-license , hasienda , needsadoption , rharkins , ticket , wiki )
TracHacksPlugin : TracHacks custom modifications (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , athomas , bsd-license , jun66j5 , otaku42 , rjollos )
TracHoursPlugin : Track hours spent on tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , TOPP , bsd-license , emecas , estimation , k0s , planning , time , timing )
TracHtmlNotificationPlugin : Send ticket notification with HTML part ( trac:#2625 ) (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , alpha , bsd-license , html , jun66j5 , notification , ticket )
TracIniAdminPanelPlugin : trac.ini Editor Panel (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , admin , api , bsd-license , i18n , manski , stoecker )
TracJenkinsPlugin : Integrate the Jenkins build service into Trac (tags: 1.0 , Wertilq , alpha , bsd-license , build , integration , jenkins , needsadoption )
TracJsGanttPlugin : Display a jsGantt chart in a wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , ChrisNelson , bsd-license , calendar , gantt , macro , ticket )
TracKeywordsPlugin : Add ticket keywords from a configured list (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , clemens , keywords , thomasvs , ticket )
TraclatePlugin : Translation infrastructure for software based on Trac (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , stoecker , translation )
TracLdapAuthPlugin : Password store for when running LDAP services (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , accountldap , authentication , bsd-license , k0s , ldap , needsadoption , papagr , passwordstore , pypi )
TracLinksPlugin : Generate TracLinks for the page, put anchors on paragraphs (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , anchor , bsd-license , link , links , matobaa )
TracMathJaxPlugin : Render mathematical expressions in Trac using MathJax (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , LaTeX , agpl-license , external , github-hosted , math , mitar , needsadoption , pypi , wiki )
TracMercurialPlugin : Mercurial VCS backend plugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , external , gpl-license , vcbackend , versioncontrol )
TracMigratePlugin : Migrate to new environment with another database (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , admin , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
TracMobilePlugin : A modern web-based mobile display for Trac (tags: 1.2 , cauly , external , github-hosted , mobile )
TracMultiSelectBoxPlugin : Support simple multi selectbox field (tags: 1.0 , apache-license , external , multi , needsadoption , pypi , select , t2y , ticket )
TracPastePlugin : Add a pastebin component to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , mitsuhiko , olemis , otaku42 )
TracPermissionFilterPlugin : Remove Trac permissions using a blacklist and/or whitelist (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , gpl-license , permissions , sto )
TracPygit2Plugin : Pygit2 integration for Git repository on Trac 0.12+ (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , git , integration , jun66j5 , versioncontrol )
TracReportInplaceEditPlugin : Edit tickets in reports by inplace editor (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , admin , bsd-license , deprecated , report , richard , ticket )
TracRestrictAccessPlugin : Restrict to some user the access to Trac (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , giursino , permissions , restrict )
TracRpcGetAllUsersPlugin : XML RPC user related API s (tags: 1.2 , cauly , external , github-hosted , permission , user , xmlprc )
TracSSOPlugin : Authenticate to Trac using Discourse Single Sign On (tags: 1.0 , authentication , external , github-hosted , mit-license , sso )
TracStatsPlugin : Display project statistics on code, wiki and tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , graph , mrjbq7 , statistics , stoecker )
TracSvnAuthzPlugin : Web interface to edit Subversion authorization (authz) files (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , Bombenbodo , authz , bsd-license , subversion , svn , versioncontrol )
TracSvnPoliciesPlugin : Svn policy interface (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , Committo-Ergo-Sum , andrei2102 , bsd-license , email , hooks , notifications , subversion , svn , versioncontrol )
TracTabPlugin : Serve a page in Trac within an Iframe (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , navbar , navigation , needsadoption , tab )
TracTicketChainedFieldsPlugin : Dynamically change field depending on value of parent (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , field , richard , ticket )
TracTicketChangelogPlugin : Show ticket relative changelogs (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , babel , bsd-license , git , i18n , log , mercurial , pypi , richard , rjollos , svn , ticket , versioncontrol )
TracTicketChangesetsPlugin : Update tickets with changeset commit messages (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , babel , beta , bsd-license , deprecated , i18n , mrelbe , repository , sync , ticket )
TracTicketConditionalValidatePlugin : Trac Ticket Conditional Validate Fields Plugin (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , zshahan )
TracTicketFieldsLayoutPlugin : Allow to customize the layout of ticket fields in view and form (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , admin , bsd-license , field , jun66j5 , ticket )
TracTicketReferencePlugin : Add support for Trac ticket cross-reference (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , apache-license , external , needsadoption , pypi , reference , relations , t2y , ticket , tickets )
TracTicketRelationAndSchedulePlugin : Add complex ticket relations and schedule management (tags: 1.2 , bsd-license , cauly , dependency , github-hosted , hierarchy , relations )
TracTicketStatsPlugin : Plot Trac Ticket Statistics (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , chart , echo0101 , graph , needsadoption , plotly , statistics )
TracTicketTemplatePlugin : Create customisable ticket templates (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , babel , bsd-license , hasienda , i18n , javascript , richard , template , ticket )
TracTicketValidatorPlugin : Validate ticket fields (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , email , richard , ticket , validation )
TracTicketWeightPlugin : Apply weights to ticket fields to determine priority / severity (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , ticket , zshahan )
TracTimeDeltaUpdatorPlugin : Automatic update for relative date-time displays on Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , jun66j5 , time , timeline )
TracTimeTrackerPlugin : TMetric - Free Trac Time Tracker (tags: anyrelease , external , nolicense , time , tracking )
TracTweakUiPlugin : Tweak the Trac user interface (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , javascript , richard )
TracUserSelectFieldPlugin : Enable a drop-down list to select users for custom fields. Set a specific user according to workflow (tags: 1.2 , bsd-license , cauly , external , github-hosted , ticket , workflow )
TracvatarPlugin : Adds Gravatar icons to Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , pypi , zzzeek )
TracWaveDromPlugin : Render Wavedrom drawings within a Trac wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
TracWikiPrintPlugin/WikiPrintXhtml2pdf : Make Trac wiki pages printable (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , airadier , export , gpl-license , pdf , pypi , wiki )
TracWikiToPdfPlugin : Create PDF s from wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , diorgenes , export , gpl-license , needsadoption , pdf , wiki )
TracWorkflowAdminPlugin : Web interface for workflow administration of Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , admin , babel , bsd-license , graphviz , jun66j5 , ticket , workflow )
TracWysiwygPlugin : Trac Wiki WYSIWYG Editor (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , WYSIWYG , beta , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
TranslatedPagesMacro : Show translated versions of wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.6 , bsd-license , dottedmag , ftofficer , i18n , macro , stoecker , wiki )
TranslationManagerPlugin : Managing translation of your source code (tags: 1.0 , beta , bsd-license , framay , i18n , language , translation )
TypedTicketWorkflowPlugin : Typed Ticket Workflow (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , kivsiak , needsadoption , ticket , workflow )
UnixGroupsPlugin : Assign permissions based on UNIX system groups (tags: anyrelease , bsd-license , coderanger , groups , needsadoption , pypi )
UserManagerPlugin : Manage users and teams (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , cbalan , contact , permission , picture , projectadmin )
UsernameDecoratePlugin : Show author information instead of username in Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
UserPicturesPlugin : Adds user picture icons (avatars) to Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , contact , ejucovy , external , genshi , github-hosted , pypi , template , visual )
ValuePropagationPlugin : Update fields or fields on other tickets when a ticket changes (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , ChrisNelson , bsd-license , dependency , hierarchy , timingandestimationplugin , unfinished )
VotePlugin : Reddit-style voting on Trac resources (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , hasienda , k0s , pypi , rjollos , vote )
WatchlistPlugin : Watchlist for Wiki pages and Tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , gpl-license , hasienda , martin_s , navigation , pypi , ticket , wiki )
WebSequenceDiagramPlugin : Render UML diagrams on Trac wiki and ticket pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , CarlGould , bsd-license , diagram , integration , sequencediagram , uml )
WeekPlanPlugin : Multi-week calendar for planning (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , calendar , lucid , planning )
WhiteboardPlugin : Whiteboard for tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , CuriousCurmudgeon , agile , beta , bsd-license , cards , dashboard , olemis , query )
WikiAutoCompletePlugin : Autocomplete wiki syntax (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , autocomplete , bsd-license , javascript , psuter , wiki )
WikiCreateTicketPlugin : Create tickets from wiki markup (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , jun66j5 , saigon , ticket , wiki )
WikiCssPlugin : Set styles based on the styling of a single wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , css , gpl-license , martin_s , pypi , wiki )
WikiExtrasPlugin : Wiki Extras for Trac (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , cboos , character , color , image , macro , mrelbe , news , picture , pypi , visual , wiki )
WikiFormsPlugin : Provides forms anywhere where there is a wiki (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , asic_druide , bsd-license , forms , needsadoption , wiki )
WikiGanttChartPlugin : Provide simple Gantt chart with an editor in Trac wiki (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , calendar , gantt , jun66j5 , wiki )
WikinfoPlugin : Display metadata information on wiki page (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , macro , rede )
WikiNotificationPlugin : Subscribe to wiki changes (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , external , github-hosted , mitar , pypi , s0undt3ch )
WikiOutputStreamPlugin : Publish output directly into Trac (tags: aldrinleal , anyrelease , apache-license , cruisecontrol , external , integration , junit , wiki )
WikiReplacePlugin : Search and replace text in wiki pages (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , miezuit , needsadoption , replace , search , wiki )
WorkflowActionButtonsPlugin : Add streamlined workflow-action buttons to the top of a ticket (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , ejucovy , external , github-hosted , javascript , ticket , workflow )
WorkflowEditorPlugin : Edit the workflow of tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , needsadoption , takanorig , ticket , workflow )
WorkflowNotificationPlugin : Configuration of email notifications tied to ticket workflow (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , ejucovy , email , external , github-hosted , notifications , ticket , tickets , workflow )
WorkLogPlugin : Track time spent on tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , application , coling , mit-license , needsadoption , ticket , time , timing , tracking , xmlrpc )
XmlRpcPlugin : Trac XML -RPC Plugin (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , athomas , bsd-license , mgood , olemis , osimons , pypi , xmlrpc )
Scripts that enhance the functionality of Trac. This could include things like wrappers around creation of Subversion and Trac projects, post-commit hooks, etc.
AstuteSvcIntegration : Generic Windows Service Installer (tags: LloydFernandes , anyrelease , integration , nolicense , service , windows )
BackupTracScript : Bash script to get a static offline copy of your Trac installation (tags: 1.0 , backup , bash , external , github-hosted , gpl-license , management , nextloop )
BittenRecipesExtractorScript : Bitten Recipe Extractor (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 )
CreatePluginScript : Create a Trac plugin skeleton given a list of interfaces (tags: TOPP , anyrelease , application , gpl-license , k0s , olemis )
EmailtoTracScript : Convert email to Trac tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , apache-license , bas , email , external )
MantisImportScript : Mantis to Trac conversion script (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , application , codeFiend , external , github-hosted , nolicense , ticket )
MockDataScript : Create mock data for new install (tags: anyrelease , bsd-license , mock , sbouwhuis )
OpenOfficeToTracWikiScript : Convert OpenOffice documents to TracWiki format (tags: anyrelease , needsadoption , nolicense , tonin , wiki )
TracBashrcScript : Trac .bashrc administration commands (tags: 1.0 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption )
TracCmdScript : Remotely editing Trac using a command line interface (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , needsadoption , nicferrier , nolicense , xmlrpc )
TracHotBackupScript : Backup tool that enhances the trac-admin hotcopy utility (tags: anyrelease , backup , bsd-license , kcalcagno )
TracLegosScript : Building blocks for creating Trac projects (tags: TOPP , anyrelease , application , beta , ejucovy , gpl-license , k0s , multi-projects , unfinished )
TracSqlHelperScript : Helper functions to abstract the Trac SQL API (tags: anyrelease , bsd-license , ejucovy , k0s , sql )
TracWikiToHtmlConverterScript : Convert tracwiki markup to HTML (tags: anyrelease , coldpizza , nolicense )
WindowsServiceScript : Run Trac as Windows Service (tags: 0.11 , 1.0 , anyrelease , flox , needsadoption , nolicense , service , unsupported , windows )
Themes are modifications to the visual layout and style of Trac. They can be anything from just CSS changes, to full templates with additional images and styles.
BlueFlatTheme : A responsive, flat, blue theme using Bootstrap (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license )
CrystalxTheme : CrystalX theme for Trac (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , coderanger , needsadoption , pypi )
GnomeBrTheme : GnomeBR theme (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , n3rd3x , nolicense )
LighterTheme : Lighter Theme (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , css , ejucovy , external , github-hosted )
ThemeEnginePlugin : Modular styles manager for Trac installations (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , coderanger , olemis , plugin , pypi )
TracFoundationTheme : Trac Foundation (Zurb) Theme (tags: 1.0 , external , github-hosted , nolicense , sawdog881 , template )
TracpathTheme : A set of themes for Trac based on TracPath (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , bsd-license , jun66j5 )
Ticket Workflows
The TracWorkflow is customizable.
AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin : Advanced Ticket Workflow (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , bsd-license , needsadoption , plugin , pypi , retracile )
KeepInterfaceSimplePlugin : Dynamically show and hide fields and options, and enforce user-defined rules on commits (tags: 1.0 , 1.2 , ash , gpl-license , interface , plugin )
MultipleWorkflowPlugin : Workflow based on ticket type (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , Cinc-th , bsd-license , component , ermal , management , plugin , ticket )
TestManagerForTracPlugin : A full test management life-cycle plugin for Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.4 , api , bsd-license , custom , external , management , plugin , pypi , seccanj , testcase , testing , xmlrpc )
TracUserSelectFieldPlugin : Enable a drop-down list to select users for custom fields. Set a specific user according to workflow (tags: 1.2 , bsd-license , cauly , external , github-hosted , plugin , ticket )
TracWorkflowAdminPlugin : Web interface for workflow administration of Trac (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , admin , babel , bsd-license , graphviz , jun66j5 , plugin , ticket )
TypedTicketWorkflowPlugin : Typed Ticket Workflow (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , kivsiak , needsadoption , plugin , ticket )
WorkflowActionButtonsPlugin : Add streamlined workflow-action buttons to the top of a ticket (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , ejucovy , external , github-hosted , javascript , plugin , ticket )
WorkflowEditorPlugin : Edit the workflow of tickets (tags: 0.11 , 0.12 , 1.0 , bsd-license , needsadoption , plugin , takanorig , ticket )
WorkflowNotificationPlugin : Configuration of email notifications tied to ticket workflow (tags: 0.12 , 1.0 , 1.2 , bsd-license , ejucovy , email , external , github-hosted , notifications , plugin , ticket , tickets )
See also: HackProcedures , TracHacks