
Version 11 (modified by Xavier Pechoultres, 15 years ago) (diff)


iCalendar plugin for ticket queries


Provide iCalendar feeds for ticket queries as standard roadmap module. It use 2 optional custom fields for event date and duration.


Zero configuration needed to start using the module. Without start date and duration, tickets can use the due date of associated milestone. To plan tickets the date and duration fields must be set in trac.ini

Setup custom fields for date and duration

To transform a ticket to an event, we need at least a date. Trac only provide a creation date or an update date. So we need a planned date by adding a custom field, and set this new field as the dtstart field for events in (see RFC/2445).


my_custom_dtstart_field = text
my_custom_dtstart_field.label = Planned Date

dtstart = my_custom_dtstart_field

We also need a duration fields :

my_custom_duration_field = text
my_custom_duration_field.label = Duration

duration = my_custom_duration_field

Date and duration input format

Default input date format are : "'%m/%d/%Y" (month/day/year) for strict date and and "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M" for date and time.

To customize this format, use the "short_date_format" and "date_time_format" configuration options :

short_date_format = %d/%m/%Y
date_time_format = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M

to support multiple format, use a ';' to separate them:

short_date_format = %d/%m/%Y;%Y-%m-%d
date_time_format = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M;%Y-%m-%d %H:%M

Duration fied support 4 syntaxes :

  • Standard hours:minutes format : H:MM ( "8:45" "12:30" ...)
  • a number of days ending by a 'd' : 15d
  • the standard RFC/2445 duration begining with a "P" : "P1W" "P1D" ...

Some tips :

  • Tickets with a planned date and no duration are planned as a day event
  • Tickets without a planned date are transfomed as TODO. For tickets attached to a milestone, the due date of the milestone is used as TODO due date (since 0.2).


icalandar support the priority tags but use an integer from 1 (highest) to 9 (lowest). So we need a map to transform trac priorities to integer. The plugin integrate a default mapping :

                    'blocker' :  1
                    'critical' :  2
                    'major' : 6
                    'minor' : 8
                    'trivial' : 9

You can customise the mapping and adding other values with the configuration option 'custom_priority_map':

custom_priority_map = major:3;lessmajor:4;lessmajorbutnotminor:5;crazy:1;undefined:0


The calendar is read only.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for IcalViewPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download and Source

Download the [download:icalviewplugin zipped source], check out IcalViewPlugin using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Add a iCalendar links in ticket's queries footer.

Release note


  • Better support for timezone


  • adding support for milestone due date for tickets without not planned.


  • initial release

Recent Changes

7253 by xpech on 2009-12-14 09:34:46
commit error
7252 by xpech on 2009-12-14 09:33:36
Fix #6323: best multi-line description support
7251 by xpech on 2009-12-14 09:12:16
Fix #6323: best multi-line description support


Author: xpech