Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of TestCaseManagementPlugin

Apr 16, 2008, 5:32:36 PM (16 years ago)

spelling and grammatical corrections


  • TestCaseManagementPlugin

    v51 v52  
    2727A test run is specific set of test cases for a particular milestone or version of the software under test for a particular tester.  Each tester owns a single instance of a test case in the form of a ticket.  This allows you to track the progress of individual testers as they complete their set of testcases.  This is really powerful because you can take full advantage of the custom reporting engine in TRAC to look for open tickets of type testcase that belong  to a particular tester, and also monitor the progress of a group of testers.  There was some confusion about this as it seemed like a single ticket would be "owned" by multiple testers.  TRAC's data model makes this impossible (also I think that assigning test tickets in that way would be really clunky).  Essentially what happens is the testcase is an xml document stored in subversion.  The testcasemanagementplugin creates a ticket with the test case details as the ticket description and assigns that ticket to a specific tester: one ticket per tester per testcase.
    29 The advantage of having a testcase management tool in trac is that it removes the need to have yet another system that manages testcases...with all the usual problems of maintaing user account, system upgrades, licensing issues.  The other advantage is that it adds more transparency to the testing process as the tool and any testcases are right there for anyone to see.
     29The advantage of having a testcase management tool in trac is that it removes the need to have yet another system that manages testcases...with all the usual problems of maintaining user accounts, system upgrades, and licensing issues.  The other advantage is that it adds more transparency to the testing process as the tool and any testcases are right there for anyone to see.
    3131Test cases are stored in a very simple XML format.  And you can specify collection of test cases (for example a smoke test) by specifying which test cases belong to a test template.  This information is also specified in an xml file.